Distance from Detroit, MI to Nearby Cities

The distance from Detroit to the nearest city Hamtramck is 6 miles or 9.6 kilometers away. The nearest town Barnes Lake-Millers Lake is 67.7 miles or 109 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Detroit; Warren being the closest is 18.8 miles or 30.3 kilometers away.

Detroit is also near the Ohio state border; Columbus in Ohio is 202.7 miles or 326.2 kilometers away. Detroit is also 1.8 miles or 2.9 kilometers from Windsor in Canada.

Detroit Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Detroit Distances
Nearby Location(s): 24
Nearest Location: 1.2 Mi (1.9 Km)

Detroit to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Detroit and nearby cities in the United States.

From Detroit, MI Population Distance
N to Hamtramck, MI22,4234.2 Mi (6.8 Km) 6 Mi (9.6 Km)
W to Dearborn, MI98,1536.7 Mi (10.8 Km) 9.2 Mi (14.9 Km)
SW to Lincoln Park, MI38,1448.8 Mi (14.1 Km) 11.8 Mi (19 Km)
NNW to Hazel Park, MI16,4229.5 Mi (15.3 Km) 10.7 Mi (17.2 Km)
SSW to Wyandotte, MI25,8839.7 Mi (15.6 Km) 14.6 Mi (23.5 Km)

Detroit to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Detroit and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Detroit, MI Population Distance
NNW to Barnes Lake-Millers Lake, MI1,09359.8 Mi (96.3 Km) 67.7 Mi (109 Km)
WSW to Manitou Beach-Devils Lake, MI2,01968.1 Mi (109.5 Km) 80 Mi (128.8 Km)
WSW to Fremont, IN2,138105.4 Mi (169.6 Km) 145.3 Mi (233.9 Km)
SE to Montrose-Ghent, OH5,177108.6 Mi (174.7 Km) 182 Mi (292.8 Km)
WSW to Hamilton, IN1,532110.7 Mi (178.1 Km) 144.4 Mi (232.4 Km)
WSW to Angola, IN8,612111.3 Mi (179.1 Km) 143.5 Mi (230.9 Km)
SW to Butler, IN2,684112.7 Mi (181.4 Km) 142.2 Mi (228.8 Km)
W to Level Park-Oak Park, MI3,409113 Mi (181.9 Km) 127.8 Mi (205.6 Km)
WSW to Waterloo, IN2,242119.1 Mi (191.7 Km) 153.7 Mi (247.3 Km)
WSW to Auburn, IN12,731123.2 Mi (198.3 Km) 154.5 Mi (248.7 Km)

Detroit to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Detroit to major cities in Michigan.

From Detroit, MI Population Distance
N to Warren, MI134,05612.7 Mi (20.5 Km) 18.8 Mi (30.3 Km)
N to Sterling Heights, MI129,69917.2 Mi (27.7 Km) 23 Mi (37 Km)
W to Ann Arbor, MI113,93435.8 Mi (57.6 Km) 43.5 Mi (70.1 Km)
WNW to Lansing, MI114,29781.7 Mi (131.5 Km) 90.6 Mi (145.8 Km)
WNW to Grand Rapids, MI188,040140.3 Mi (225.7 Km) 157.8 Mi (254 Km)
Detroit to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Detroit to major cities in Ohio, Wisconsin and Indiana.

From Detroit, MI Population Distance
S to Columbus, OH787,033163.8 Mi (263.7 Km) 202.7 Mi (326.2 Km)
SW to Indianapolis, IN829,718240.2 Mi (386.5 Km) 287.3 Mi (462.3 Km)
W to Milwaukee, WI594,833251.7 Mi (405.1 Km) 381.9 Mi (614.6 Km)
Detroit to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Detroit to Canada.

From Detroit, MI Population Distance
SSE to Windsor Canada278,0131.2 Mi (2 Km) 1.8 Mi (2.9 Km)