Pacific/Honolulu Time Zone Identifier

Pacific/Honolulu is a time zone identifier used in the United States and is 1 of 29 identifiers used in the country. The identifier belongs to the Hawaii time zone HST and has a UTC/GMT offset of -10:00 which is observed year round. Coordinates are 21.30694 N and -157.85833 W.

Current Time:
Thursday May 2nd 9:29am
UTC/GMT Offset: -10:00
Observing Daylight Saving/Summer Time: Never
Time Zone Abbreviation:HST
Time Zone Name:Hawaii Standard Time
Time Zone:Hawaii
Latitude DMS:21°18'24.98"N
Longitude DMS:157°51'29.99"W
Country:United States
Continent Region:North America
UTM Easting:618,413.95
UTM Northing:2,356,546.86
UTM Zone:4Q

*Note: map data might not always be 100% accurate as far as boundaries are concerned, but good enough to give you a general idea. Please give the map sufficient time to load, because it often contains a lot of data which needs to be processed.

Cities observing same time as Pacific/Honolulu:

*Note that the above list only includes a few cities and that there may be more. Also note that the time zone identifier displayed may differ if it has the same offset and DST.