Europe/Zagreb is a time zone identifier used in Croatia and is the only identifier used in the country. The identifier belongs to the Central European time zone CET and CEST and has a UTC/GMT offset of +01:00 for standard time and +02:00 for observing summer time. Coordinates are 45.8 N and 15.96666 E.
Current Time: | |
Thursday October 10th 6:15am |
UTC/GMT Offset: | +02:00 |
Observing Summer Time: | Yes |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | CEST |
Time Zone Name: | Central European Summer Time |
Time Zone: | Central European |
Latitude: | 45.8 |
Longitude: | 15.96666 |
Latitude DMS: | 45°48'0"N |
Longitude DMS: | 15°57'59.98"E |
Country: | Croatia |
Continent: | Europe |
UTM Easting: | 575,119.85 |
UTM Northing: | 5,072,280.83 |
UTM Zone: | 33T |
*Note: map data might not always be 100% accurate as far as boundaries are concerned, but good enough to give you a general idea. Please give the map sufficient time to load, because it often contains a lot of data which needs to be processed.
Year: | CEST Begins: | CEST Ends: |
2026 | Sunday March 29th at 2:00am | Sunday October 25th at 3:00am |
2025 | Sunday March 30th at 2:00am | Sunday October 26th at 3:00am |
2024 | Sunday March 31st at 2:00am | Sunday October 27th at 3:00am |
2023 | Sunday March 26th at 2:00am | Sunday October 29th at 3:00am |
2022 | Sunday March 27th at 2:00am | Sunday October 30th at 3:00am |