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Presque Isle Park Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Presque Isle Park, Peter White Dr, Marquette, MI 49855, USA is: 46.586385 and the longitude is: -87.38251.

Presque Isle Park Latitude: 46.586385
Presque Isle Park Longitude: -87.38251
Latitude DMS: 46°35'10.99"N
Longitude DMS: 87°22'57.04"W
UTM Easting: 470,695.81
UTM Northing: 5,159,273.30
UTM Zone: 16T
Geohash: f03c58ccrgw5
Position from Earth's Center: WNW
Elevation: 712.74 Feet (217.24 Meters)
Street: Peter White Drive
City: Marquette
County: Marquette County
State: Michigan
State Abbreviation: MI
Country: United States
Region: Northeastern USA
Country Code: US
Country Code Alpha-3: USA
Country Continent: North America
Time Zone: America/Detroit
Time Zone Abbreviation: EDT
EDT Stands for: Eastern Daylight Time
Daylight Saving Time: Yes
UTC/GMT Difference: -04:00
Current Time: Sunday May 5th 8:51am
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