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Golakganj Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Golakganj, Assam 783334, India is: 26.1055618 and the longitude is: 89.8311875.
Golakganj Latitude: | 26.1055618 |
Golakganj Longitude: | 89.8311875 |
Latitude DMS: | 26°6'20.02"N |
Longitude DMS: | 89°49'52.28"E |
UTM Easting: | 783,156.03 |
UTM Northing: | 2,890,454.25 |
UTM Zone: | 45R |
Geohash: | tuxus0m5fm7c |
Position from Earth's Center: | ENE |
Elevation: | 31.02 Meters (101.77 Feet) |
City: | Golakganj |
District: | Dhubri |
State: | Assam |
State Abbreviation: | AS |
Country: | India |
Country Code: | IN |
Country Code Alpha-3: | IND |
Country Continent: | Asia |
Time Zone: | Asia/Kolkata |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | IST |
IST Stands for: | Indian Standard Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +05:30 |
Current Time: | Tuesday February 11th 10:43am |
Golakganj, Assam 783334, India Summary
Golakganj has a latitude of 26°6'20.02"N and a longitude of 89°49'52.28"E or 26.105562 and 89.831188 respectively.
Golakganj, Assam 783334, India coordinates are near the Bangladesh, Bhutan and China borders; 91.1 Km NNE of Gaibandha, Rangpur Division, Bangladesh (see coordinates for Gaibandha); 95 Km SSW of Sarpang, Bhutan (see coordinates for Sarpang) and 191.1 Km SSE of Pagri, Xizang (Tibet), China (see coordinates for Palizhen).
Areas near Golakganj:
- 37.9 Km NE to Sapatgram, AS (see coordinates for Sapatgram)
- 39.6 Km NNE to Goshaingaon, AS (see coordinates for Gossaigaon)
- 47.9 Km E to Lakhipur, AS (see coordinates for Lakhipur)
- 70.9 Km NE to Basugaon, AS (see coordinates for Basugaon)
- 75.2 Km E to Jogighopa, AS (see coordinates for Jogighopa)
Populated areas nearby:
- 13.5 Km E to Gauripur, AS (see coordinates for Gauripur)
- 17.4 Km ESE to Dhuburi, AS (see coordinates for Dhuburi)
- 29.9 Km NW to Tufanganj, WB (see coordinates for Tufanganj)
- 36.2 Km W to Dinhata, WB (see coordinates for Dinhata)
- 42.2 Km ENE to Bilasipara, AS (see coordinates for Bilasipara)
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Golakganj.
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