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China Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for China is: 35.86166 and the longitude is: 104.195397.

China Latitude: 35.86166
China Longitude: 104.195397
Latitude DMS: 35°51'41.98"N
Longitude DMS: 104°11'43.43"E
UTM Easting: 427,355.85
UTM Northing: 3,968,903.53
UTM Zone: 48S
Geohash: wq6h502v29zn
Position from Earth's Center: ENE
Elevation: 1841.23 Meters (6040.79 Feet)
Type: Country
Landlocked: No
Country: China
Country Code: CN
Country Code Alpha-3: CHN
Country Continent: Asia
Continent Region: Eastern Asia
Time Zone: Multiple Time Zones

China Summary

China is located in the continent of Asia, S of Dalandzadgad, Mongolia (see coordinates for Mongolia); NE of Pasighat, India (see coordinates for India); NNE of Myitkyina, Myanmar (see coordinates for Myanmar (Burma)) and N of Thanh Pho Ha Giang, Vietnam (see coordinates for Vietnam).

The capital of China is Beijing. Chinese "中文" is the main language of the country. Cantonese, Wu Chinese, dta, Uyghur and Zhuang is also spoken.

The 5 most populated places in China are:

  1. Shanghai (see coordinates for Shanghai)
  2. Beijing (see coordinates for Beijing)
  3. Tianjin (see coordinates for Tianjin)
  4. Guangzhou (see coordinates for Guangzhou)
  5. Shenzhen (see coordinates for Shenzhen)

7 points of interest in China:

  • Sun Yatsen Residence, Shanghai, China
  • Jade Buddha Temple, Shanghai, China
  • Forbidden City, Beijing, China
  • Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China
  • Ancient Culture Street, Tianjin, China
  • Six Banyan Tree Temple and Flower Pagoda (Liurong Temple), Guangzhou, China
  • Donghai Cultural Square, Shenzhen, China

China time zone(s):

NameUTC/GMT Offset
China Standard Time+08:00

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for China.

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