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Shelburne Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Shelburne, ON L9V, Canada is: 44.079119 and the longitude is: -80.2011728.
Shelburne Latitude: | 44.079119 |
Shelburne Longitude: | -80.2011728 |
Latitude DMS: | 44°4'44.83"N |
Longitude DMS: | 80°12'4.22"W |
UTM Easting: | 563,960.16 |
UTM Northing: | 4,880,970.66 |
UTM Zone: | 17T |
Geohash: | dpyfybr73prd |
Position from Earth's Center: | WNW |
Elevation: | 492 Meters (1614.17 Feet) |
City: | Shelburne |
District: | Dufferin County |
Province: | Ontario |
Province Abbreviation: | ON |
Country: | Canada |
Region: | Eastern Canada |
Country Code: | CA |
Country Code Alpha-3: | CAN |
Country Continent: | North America |
Time Zone: | America/Toronto |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EDT |
EDT Stands for: | Eastern Daylight Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | Yes |
EDT Began: | March 10th 2024 2:00am EST |
EDT Ends: | November 3rd 2024 2:00am EDT |
UTC/GMT Difference: | -04:00 |
Current Time: | Thursday October 3rd 9:43pm |
Shelburne, ON L9V, Canada Summary
Shelburne has a latitude of 44°4'44.83"N and a longitude of 80°12'4.22"W or 44.079119 and -80.201173 respectively.
Areas near Shelburne:
- 37.1 Km NE to Angus, ON (see coordinates for Angus)
- 51.3 Km NNE to Wasaga Beach, ON (see coordinates for Wasaga Beach)
- 53.1 Km ENE to Innisfil, ON (see coordinates for Innisfil)
- 63.7 Km ESE to Concord, ON (see coordinates for Concord)
- 66.3 Km W to Hanover, ON (see coordinates for Hanover)
Populated areas nearby:
- 19.7 Km SSE to Orangeville, ON (see coordinates for Orangeville)
- 46.9 Km N to Collingwood, ON (see coordinates for Collingwood)
- 51.1 Km E to Bradford West Gwillimbury, ON (see coordinates for Bradford West Gwillimbury)
- 52.3 Km SE to Brampton, ON (see coordinates for Brampton)
- 53.4 Km NE to Barrie, ON (see coordinates for Barrie)
Airports near 44°4'44.83"N and 80°12'4.22"W:
- "YKF" Waterloo Airport (70.2 Km S)
- "YYZ" Lester B. Pearson International Airport (64 Km SE see coordinates for Pearson Airport Terminal 3 (Arrivals Level Columns C8-C12))
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Shelburne.
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