Distance from Trabzon to Nearby Cities

The distance from Trabzon to the nearest city Akçaabat is 14.8 kilometers or 9.2 miles away. The nearest town 61180 Çağlayan Belediyesi/Trabzon Merkez/Trabzon is 16.8 kilometers or 10.4 miles away. 3 major cities are near Trabzon; Vakfıkebir being the closest is 45.7 kilometers or 28.4 miles away.

Trabzon is also 205.2 kilometers or 127.5 miles from Batumi in Georgia.

Trabzon Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Trabzon Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 11.3 Km (7 Mi)

Trabzon to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Trabzon and nearby cities in Turkey.

From Trabzon Population Distance
W to Akçaabat45,10512.5 Km (7.8 Mi) 14.8 Km (9.2 Mi)
ESE to Yomra19,77013.6 Km (8.4 Mi) 16.9 Km (10.5 Mi)
ESE to Arsin16,14819.2 Km (11.9 Mi) 22.9 Km (14.3 Mi)
ESE to Araklı29,91729.2 Km (18.1 Mi) 34 Km (21.2 Mi)
ESE to Sürmene20,03935.1 Km (21.8 Mi) 40.6 Km (25.3 Mi)

Trabzon to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Trabzon and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Turkey.

From Trabzon Population Distance
S to 61180 Çağlayan Belediyesi/Trabzon Merkez/Trabzon?11.3 Km (7 Mi) 16.8 Km (10.4 Mi)
WSW to 61170 Derecik Belediyesi/Akçaabat/Trabzon?11.7 Km (7.3 Mi) 17.7 Km (11 Mi)
SSW to 61770 Esiroğlu Belediyesi/Maçka/Trabzon?14.5 Km (9 Mi) 19.9 Km (12.4 Mi)
SSW to Maçka13,07822.7 Km (14.1 Mi) 29.2 Km (18.1 Mi)
WSW to Düzköy8,09028.4 Km (17.6 Mi) 37.5 Km (23.3 Mi)

Trabzon to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Trabzon to major cities in Turkey.

From Trabzon Population Distance
W to Vakfıkebir37,72837.1 Km (23.1 Mi) 45.7 Km (28.4 Mi)
W to Beşikdüzü36,98741.2 Km (25.6 Mi) 49.7 Km (30.9 Mi)
E to Of31,95146.3 Km (28.7 Mi) 54.4 Km (33.8 Mi)
Trabzon to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Trabzon to Georgia.

From Trabzon Population Distance
ENE to Batumi Georgia121,806174.3 Km (108.3 Mi) 205.2 Km (127.5 Mi)