Distance from Reno, NV to Nearby Cities

The distance from Reno to the nearest city Sparks is 4.1 miles or 6.6 kilometers away. The nearest town Golden Valley is 8.8 miles or 14.1 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Reno; North Las Vegas being the closest is 450.2 miles or 724.5 kilometers away.

Reno is also near the Idaho state border; Boise in Idaho is 420.7 miles or 677.1 kilometers away.

Reno Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Reno Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 3.3 Mi (5.3 Km)

Reno to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Reno and nearby cities in the United States.

From Reno, NV Population Distance
E to Sparks, NV90,2643.3 Mi (5.3 Km) 4.1 Mi (6.6 Km)
NNE to Sun Valley, NV19,2995 Mi (8.1 Km) 6.5 Mi (10.5 Km)
NE to Spanish Springs, NV15,06410 Mi (16.1 Km) 12.9 Mi (20.7 Km)
SW to Truckee, CA16,18024.2 Mi (38.9 Km) 31.9 Mi (51.4 Km)
S to Carson City, NV55,27425.4 Mi (40.9 Km) 31.6 Mi (50.9 Km)

Reno to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Reno and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Reno, NV Population Distance
N to Golden Valley, NV1,5566 Mi (9.6 Km) 8.8 Mi (14.1 Km)
W to Mogul, NV1,2906.1 Mi (9.8 Km) 6.8 Mi (10.9 Km)
NNW to Lemmon Valley, NV5,0407.5 Mi (12.1 Km) 10.2 Mi (16.4 Km)
W to Verdi, NV1,4159.4 Mi (15.1 Km) 10.9 Mi (17.5 Km)
NW to Cold Springs, NV8,54413.5 Mi (21.8 Km) 18.8 Mi (30.3 Km)

Reno to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Reno to major cities in Nevada.

From Reno, NV Population Distance
SE to North Las Vegas, NV216,961344.4 Mi (554.2 Km) 450.2 Mi (724.5 Km)
SE to Las Vegas, NV583,756344.8 Mi (555 Km) 448.2 Mi (721.4 Km)
SE to Sunrise Manor, NV189,372345.6 Mi (556.2 Km) 454 Mi (730.6 Km)
SE to Paradise, NV223,167348.1 Mi (560.1 Km) 454.2 Mi (730.9 Km)
SE to Henderson, NV257,729357.4 Mi (575.3 Km) 463.4 Mi (745.8 Km)
Reno to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Reno to major cities in Oregon, Utah, Arizona, California and Idaho.

From Reno, NV Population Distance
NNE to Boise, ID145,987338.3 Mi (544.4 Km) 420.7 Mi (677.1 Km)
SSE to Los Angeles, CA3,792,621388.4 Mi (625 Km) 517.7 Mi (833.1 Km)
ENE to Salt Lake City, UT186,440427 Mi (687.1 Km) 518.2 Mi (833.9 Km)
NNW to Portland, OR583,776439.1 Mi (706.6 Km) 534.6 Mi (860.4 Km)
SE to Phoenix, AZ1,445,632600.9 Mi (967 Km) 745.7 Mi (1200.1 Km)