Distance from Redmond, WA to Nearby Cities

The distance from Redmond to the nearest city Kirkland is 4.4 miles or 7 kilometers away. The nearest town Kingsgate is 5.8 miles or 9.4 kilometers away. 4 major cities are near Redmond; Seattle being the closest is 15 miles or 24.2 kilometers away.

Redmond is also near the Oregon state border; Portland in Oregon is 183.4 miles or 295.2 kilometers away. Redmond is also 173.8 miles or 279.7 kilometers from Oak Bay in Canada.

Redmond Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Redmond Distances
Nearby Location(s): 17
Nearest Location: 4.1 Mi (6.6 Km)

Redmond to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Redmond and nearby cities in the United States.

From Redmond, WA Population Distance
W to Kirkland, WA48,7874.1 Mi (6.6 Km) 4.4 Mi (7 Km)
E to Union Hill-Novelty Hill, WA18,8054.9 Mi (7.9 Km) 6.7 Mi (10.7 Km)
NNE to Cottage Lake, WA22,4945.3 Mi (8.5 Km) 6.2 Mi (9.9 Km)
SE to Sammamish, WA45,7805.7 Mi (9.1 Km) 6.7 Mi (10.9 Km)
SW to Bellevue, WA122,3635.7 Mi (9.2 Km) 7.9 Mi (12.6 Km)

Redmond to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Redmond and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Redmond, WA Population Distance
NW to Kingsgate, WA13,0654.6 Mi (7.3 Km) 5.8 Mi (9.4 Km)
WSW to Yarrow Point, WA1,0014.9 Mi (7.8 Km) 7.6 Mi (12.2 Km)
SW to Clyde Hill, WA2,9845.4 Mi (8.6 Km) 7.9 Mi (12.7 Km)
NNW to Woodinville, WA10,9385.9 Mi (9.5 Km) 6.8 Mi (11 Km)
SW to Medina, WA2,9696.2 Mi (9.9 Km) 9.1 Mi (14.7 Km)

Redmond to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Redmond to major cities in Washington.

From Redmond, WA Population Distance
WSW to Seattle, WA608,66010.9 Mi (17.5 Km) 15 Mi (24.2 Km)
SSW to Tacoma, WA198,39732.8 Mi (52.8 Km) 43.2 Mi (69.5 Km)
S to Vancouver, WA161,791143 Mi (230.1 Km) 174.5 Mi (280.9 Km)
E to Spokane, WA208,916218.5 Mi (351.7 Km) 279.8 Mi (450.3 Km)
Redmond to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Redmond to major cities in Idaho and Oregon.

From Redmond, WA Population Distance
S to Portland, OR583,776151 Mi (243 Km) 183.4 Mi (295.2 Km)
SE to Boise, ID145,987399.8 Mi (643.4 Km) 496.3 Mi (798.7 Km)
Redmond to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Redmond to Canada.

From Redmond, WA Population Distance
NW to Oak Bay Canada18,01575.8 Mi (122 Km) 173.8 Mi (279.7 Km)