Distance from Portland, ME to Nearby Cities

The distance from Portland center to the nearest city South Portland is 3.4 miles or 5.4 kilometers away. The nearest town Dayton is 24 miles or 38.6 kilometers away. 3 major cities are near Portland; Auburn being the closest is 38.4 miles or 61.8 kilometers away.

The nearest city in a bordering state is Rochester, NH, USA which is 53.5 miles or 86.1 kilometers away.

Portland Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Portland Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 1.6 Mi (2.6 Km)

Portland to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Portland and nearby cities in the United States.

From Portland, ME Population Distance
SSE to South Portland, ME25,0021.6 Mi (2.5 Km) 3.4 Mi (5.4 Km)
W to Westbrook, ME17,4945.9 Mi (9.5 Km) 7.3 Mi (11.8 Km)
SW to West Scarborough, ME27,7069.1 Mi (14.7 Km) 11.8 Mi (19 Km)
SW to Saco, ME18,48214.5 Mi (23.4 Km) 17.8 Mi (28.7 Km)
SW to Biddeford, ME21,27715.3 Mi (24.6 Km) 18.7 Mi (30.1 Km)

Portland to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Portland and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Portland, ME Population Distance
WSW to Dayton, ME1,80518 Mi (29 Km) 24 Mi (38.6 Km)
SW to West Kennebunk, ME1,17623.9 Mi (38.5 Km) 26.5 Mi (42.7 Km)

Portland to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Portland to major cities in Maine.

From Portland, ME Population Distance
N to Auburn, ME23,05530.2 Mi (48.6 Km) 38.4 Mi (61.8 Km)
N to Lewiston, ME36,59230.4 Mi (48.9 Km) 36.3 Mi (58.4 Km)
NE to Bangor, ME33,039107.5 Mi (173 Km) 128.7 Mi (207.2 Km)
Portland to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Portland to major cities in New Hampshire.

From Portland, ME Population Distance
SW to Rochester, NH29,75243.7 Mi (70.4 Km) 53.5 Mi (86.1 Km)
SW to Dover, NH29,98744.6 Mi (71.8 Km) 49.9 Mi (80.3 Km)
WSW to Concord, NH42,69571.6 Mi (115.2 Km) 109.2 Mi (175.8 Km)
SW to Manchester, NH109,56575.9 Mi (122.1 Km) 94.4 Mi (151.9 Km)
SW to Nashua, NH86,49487 Mi (140 Km) 112.5 Mi (181 Km)