Cities Near Maine
The list below shows the distance between Portland, Maine and populated cities in
- Mi = Miles
- Km = Kilometers
- = Flight distance
- = Driving distance
Maine Cities to New Hampshire Cities |
Portland to Rochester | 43.7 Mi (70.3 Km) | 53.5 Mi (86.1 Km) |
Portland to Dover | 44.6 Mi (71.8 Km) | 49.9 Mi (80.3 Km) |
Portland to Concord | 71.6 Mi (115.2 Km) | 109.2 Mi (175.8 Km) |
Portland to Manchester | 75.9 Mi (122.1 Km) | 94.4 Mi (151.9 Km) |
Portland to Nashua | 87 Mi (140 Km) | 112.5 Mi (181 Km) |
Distance Between Maine and Bordering States
The distance between Portland, Maine and major cities in bordering states; Cities in New Hampshire are nearest due to being 43.7 miles away.
To State | Distance From Portland, Maine |
New Hampshire | 43.7 Mi (70.3 Km) |