Distance from Gresham, OR to Nearby Cities

The distance from Gresham to the nearest city Troutdale is 4.7 miles or 7.6 kilometers away. The nearest town Wood Village is 3.2 miles or 5.1 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Gresham; Beaverton being the closest is 25.3 miles or 40.8 kilometers away.

Gresham is also near the Washington state border; Seattle in Washington is 181.6 miles or 292.2 kilometers away.

Gresham Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Gresham Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 2.4 Mi (3.9 Km)

Gresham to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Gresham and nearby cities in the United States.

From Gresham, OR Population Distance
NE to Troutdale, OR15,9623.4 Mi (5.5 Km) 4.7 Mi (7.6 Km)
NNE to Camas, WA19,3556.2 Mi (10 Km) 21.5 Mi (34.6 Km)
WSW to Lents, OR20,1566.7 Mi (10.7 Km) 7.9 Mi (12.8 Km)
WSW to Milwaukie, OR20,29110.8 Mi (17.4 Km) 16.3 Mi (26.3 Km)
WSW to Oak Grove, OR16,62911.7 Mi (18.8 Km) 17.3 Mi (27.9 Km)

Gresham to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Gresham and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Gresham, OR Population Distance
NNE to Wood Village, OR3,8782.4 Mi (3.9 Km) 3.2 Mi (5.1 Km)
N to Fairview, OR8,9202.7 Mi (4.3 Km) 2.7 Mi (4.4 Km)
SSW to Damascus, OR10,5395.9 Mi (9.4 Km) 7.4 Mi (11.9 Km)
SW to Happy Valley, OR13,9036.1 Mi (9.8 Km) 8.3 Mi (13.3 Km)
NNE to Washougal, WA14,0956.8 Mi (11 Km) 24 Mi (38.7 Km)

Gresham to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Gresham to major cities in Oregon.

From Gresham, OR Population Distance
W to Beaverton, OR89,80318.1 Mi (29.2 Km) 25.3 Mi (40.8 Km)
W to Hillsboro, OR91,61127.1 Mi (43.7 Km) 37.9 Mi (61.1 Km)
SW to Salem, OR154,63748.5 Mi (78 Km) 58.8 Mi (94.7 Km)
SSW to Eugene, OR156,185105.1 Mi (169.2 Km) 122.7 Mi (197.4 Km)
SSE to Bend, OR76,639113.7 Mi (182.9 Km) 145.8 Mi (234.6 Km)
Gresham to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Gresham to major cities in Washington, California, Idaho and Nevada.

From Gresham, OR Population Distance
N to Seattle, WA608,660145.6 Mi (234.4 Km) 181.6 Mi (292.2 Km)
ESE to Boise, ID145,987332.4 Mi (535 Km) 418.3 Mi (673.2 Km)
SSE to Las Vegas, NV583,756748.3 Mi (1204.3 Km) 953.4 Mi (1534.4 Km)
SSE to Los Angeles, CA3,792,621821.5 Mi (1322.1 Km) 976.5 Mi (1571.5 Km)