Distance from Eugene, OR to Nearby Cities

The distance from Eugene to the nearest city Springfield is 4.7 miles or 7.5 kilometers away. The nearest town Coburg is 8.4 miles or 13.6 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Eugene; Salem being the closest is 66.1 miles or 106.4 kilometers away.

Eugene is also near the Washington state border; Seattle in Washington is 282.6 miles or 454.8 kilometers away.

Eugene Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Eugene Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 3.2 Mi (5.1 Km)

Eugene to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Eugene and nearby cities in the United States.

From Eugene, OR Population Distance
E to Springfield, OR59,4033.2 Mi (5.2 Km) 4.7 Mi (7.5 Km)
NNE to Lebanon, OR15,51834.6 Mi (55.8 Km) 45 Mi (72.5 Km)
NNW to Corvallis, OR54,46236.5 Mi (58.7 Km) 47.1 Mi (75.8 Km)
N to Albany, OR50,15840.4 Mi (65 Km) 45.5 Mi (73.2 Km)
SSW to Roseburg, OR21,18159.1 Mi (95.2 Km) 72.6 Mi (116.8 Km)

Eugene to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Eugene and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Eugene, OR Population Distance
N to Coburg, OR1,0356 Mi (9.6 Km) 8.4 Mi (13.6 Km)
SSE to Creswell, OR5,0319.8 Mi (15.7 Km) 13.8 Mi (22.2 Km)
NNW to Junction City, OR5,39213 Mi (20.9 Km) 14.5 Mi (23.4 Km)
W to Veneta, OR4,56113.1 Mi (21.1 Km) 14.7 Mi (23.7 Km)
NNW to Harrisburg, OR3,56715.9 Mi (25.6 Km) 23.6 Mi (38.1 Km)

Eugene to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Eugene to major cities in Oregon.

From Eugene, OR Population Distance
N to Salem, OR154,63761.6 Mi (99.2 Km) 66.1 Mi (106.4 Km)
E to Bend, OR76,63988 Mi (141.6 Km) 128.1 Mi (206.1 Km)
N to Beaverton, OR89,803100.1 Mi (161.2 Km) 106.8 Mi (171.8 Km)
N to Hillsboro, OR91,611101.8 Mi (163.8 Km) 123.4 Mi (198.5 Km)
NNE to Gresham, OR105,594105.1 Mi (169.2 Km) 122.1 Mi (196.5 Km)
Eugene to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Eugene to major cities in Washington, California, Idaho and Nevada.

From Eugene, OR Population Distance
N to Seattle, WA608,660248.3 Mi (399.6 Km) 282.6 Mi (454.8 Km)
E to Boise, ID145,987343.8 Mi (553.3 Km) 443.8 Mi (714.3 Km)
SE to Las Vegas, NV583,756687.2 Mi (1105.9 Km) 873.1 Mi (1405.1 Km)
SSE to Los Angeles, CA3,792,621738 Mi (1187.7 Km) 858.7 Mi (1381.9 Km)