Calculate Elevation of Route

Elevation from Denver to St. Louis, Connected by Kansas City

Elevation of Denver is 5238.43 feet or 1596.67 meters and the elevation of St. Louis is 462.47 feet or 140.96 meters, which is a difference of 4775.96 feet or 1455.71 meters.

Kansas City has an elevation of 897.46 feet or 273.55 meters, which is a difference of 4340.97 feet or 1323.13 meters.

434.99 feet or 132.59 meters.

Elevation calculations start at Denver, connect through Kansas City and continue from Kansas City to St. Louis.

Denver, CO, USA elevation.

Meters: 1596.67
Feet: 5238.43

St. Louis, MO, USA elevation.

Meters: 140.96
Feet: 462.47

Kansas City, MO, USA elevation.

Meters: 273.55
Feet: 897.46

* Route elevation values are approximate and should be taken as an ESTIMATE, but in many cases the accuracy tends to be high.

Route Elevation Summary

Route elevation has been calculated from Denver to St. Louis. The connecting route to Kansas City has also calculated.

Planning on flying to St. Louis? You may want to check the flight distance between Denver and Kansas City and St. Louis.

If you are considering flying to St. Louis, you can also find out the flight time from Denver and Kansas City and St. Louis.

What to drive to St. Louis? You may want to compare the travel time from Denver to Kansas City to St. Louis.

If you plan on driving, you may want to check the distance from Denver to Kansas City to St. Louis.

A road map showing your trip to St. Louis is also available. Check the road map from Denver to Kansas City to St. Louis.

If you need driving directions, you can take a look at the driving directions from Denver to Kansas City to St. Louis.

Since the elevation of a route can affect fuel consumption, you may want to check the fuel cost from Denver to Kansas City to St. Louis.

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