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74110 Arıt/Bartın Merkez/Bartın Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for 74110 Arıt/Bartın Merkez/Bartın, Turkey is: 41.687747 and the longitude is: 32.622839.

74110 Arıt/Bartın Merkez/Bartın Latitude: 41.687747
74110 Arıt/Bartın Merkez/Bartın Longitude: 32.622839
Latitude DMS: 41°41'15.89"N
Longitude DMS: 32°37'22.22"E
UTM Easting: 468,612.16
UTM Northing: 4,615,176.79
UTM Zone: 36T
Geohash: sxrjnm50xprc
Position from Earth's Center: NE
Elevation: 352.44 Meters (1156.31 Feet)
District: Bartın Merkez
Province: Bartın
Country: Turkey
Country Code: TR
Country Code Alpha-3: TUR
Country Continent: Europe and Asia
Continent Region: Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Istanbul
Time Zone Abbreviation: +03
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +03:00
Current Time: Friday May 3rd 9:06am

74110 Arıt/Bartın Merkez/Bartın, Turkey Summary

Arit "Arıt" has a latitude of 41°41'15.89"N and a longitude of 32°37'22.22"E or 41.687747 and 32.622839 respectively.

Areas near Arıt:

Populated areas nearby:

Note: Arıt is also located 196.1 Km N of Turkey capital Ankara (see coordinates for Ankara).

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for 74110 Arıt/Bartın Merkez/Bartın.

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