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Ash Shajarah Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Ash Shajarah, Syria is: 32.773706 and the longitude is: 35.885239.
Ash Shajarah Latitude: | 32.773706 |
Ash Shajarah Longitude: | 35.885239 |
Latitude DMS: | 32°46'25.34"N |
Longitude DMS: | 35°53'6.86"E |
UTM Easting: | 770,260.58 |
UTM Northing: | 3,629,885.88 |
UTM Zone: | 36S |
Geohash: | svcd2w6bdtte |
Position from Earth's Center: | NE |
Elevation: | 416.84 Meters (1367.57 Feet) |
City: | Ash Shajarah |
District: | Daraa District |
Province: | Daraa Governorate |
Country: | Syria |
Country Code: | SY |
Country Code Alpha-3: | SYR |
Country Continent: | Asia |
Time Zone: | Asia/Damascus |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EEST |
EEST Stands for: | Eastern European Summer Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | Yes |
EEST Began: | March 29th 2024 12:00am EET |
EEST Ends: | October 25th 2024 12:00am EEST |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +03:00 |
Current Time: | Thursday October 10th 8:31am |
Ash Shajarah, Syria Summary
Ash Shajarah has a latitude of 32°46'25.34"N and a longitude of 35°53'6.86"E or 32.773706 and 35.885239 respectively.
Ash Shajarah, Syria coordinates are near the Jordan, Israel and Lebanon borders; 23.8 Km NE of Umm Qays, إربيد, Jordan (see coordinates for `Ayn Umm Qays، Jordan); 36.4 Km ENE of Yavne'el, North District, Israel (see coordinates for Yavne'el) and 57.3 Km SE of Bent Jbail, Nabatieh, Lebanon (see coordinates for Bent Jbail).
Areas near Ash Shajarah:
- 9.9 Km NE to Tasil, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Tasil)
- 19.2 Km NE to Nawa, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Nawa)
- 30.1 Km E to Khirbat Ghazalah, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Khirbet Ghazaleh)
- 32.7 Km ENE to Izra`, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Izraa)
- 44.8 Km ESE to Al Musayfirah, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Al Musayfrah)
Populated areas nearby:
- 17.2 Km ESE to Tafas, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Tafas)
- 25.9 Km SE to Daraa (see coordinates for Daraa)
- 27 Km ENE to Ash Shaykh Miskin, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Ash Shaykh Miskin)
- 29.3 Km NNE to Jasim, Daraa Governorate (see coordinates for Jasim)
- 33.8 Km N to Al Qunaytirah, Quneitra Governorate (see coordinates for Quneitra Governorate)
Note: Ash Shajarah is also located 90.5 Km SSW of Syria capital Damascus (see coordinates for Damascus).
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Ash Shajarah.
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