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Vilkpėdė Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Vilkpėdė, Vilnius, Lithuania is: 54.655981 and the longitude is: 25.231595.
Vilkpėdė Latitude: | 54.655981 |
Vilkpėdė Longitude: | 25.231595 |
Latitude DMS: | 54°39'21.53"N |
Longitude DMS: | 25°13'53.74"E |
UTM Easting: | 385,917.90 |
UTM Northing: | 6,057,946.68 |
UTM Zone: | 35U |
Geohash: | u99yyjv44v2f |
Position from Earth's Center: | NNE |
Elevation: | 102.09 Meters (334.94 Feet) |
City: | Vilnius |
District: | Vilnius city municipality |
Province: | Vilnius County |
Country: | Lithuania |
Country Code: | LT |
Country Code Alpha-3: | LTU |
Country Continent: | Europe |
Time Zone: | Europe/Vilnius |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | EET |
EET Stands for: | Eastern European Time |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
EET Began: | October 27th 2024 4:00am EEST |
EET Ends: | March 30th 2025 3:00am EET |
UTC/GMT Difference: | +02:00 |
Current Time: | Thursday December 12th 9:18am |
Vilkpėdė, Vilnius, Lithuania Summary
Vilkpede "Vilkpėdė" is located in the city of Vilnius (see coordinates for Vilnius) and has a latitude of 54°39'21.53"N and a longitude of 25°13'53.74"E or 54.655981 and 25.231595 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #29 in Lithuania.
Vilkpėdė, Vilnius, Lithuania coordinates are near the Belarus, Latvia, Poland and Russia borders; 77.8 Km WNW of Smarhon', Grodno Region, Belarus (see coordinates for Smarhoń); 160 Km SSW of Daugavpils, Latvia (see coordinates for Daugavpils); 160.9 Km ENE of Suwalki, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland (see coordinates for Suwalki) and 195.1 Km E of Gusev, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia (see coordinates for Gusev).
Populated areas near Vilkpėdė:
- 8.8 Km N to Pasilaiciai, Vilniaus apskr. (see coordinates for Pašilaičiai)
- 71.7 Km NNW to Ukmerge, Vilnius County (see coordinates for Ukmergė)
- 76.6 Km NW to Jonava, Kaunas County (see coordinates for Jonava)
- 81.8 Km WSW to Alytus, Alytus County (see coordinates for Alytus)
- 85.6 Km WNW to Dainava (Kaunas), Kaunas County (see coordinates for Dainava)
Note: Vilkpėdė is also located 4.6 Km SW of Lithuania capital Vilnius (see coordinates for Vilnius).
Airports near 54°39'21.53"N and 25°13'53.74"E:
- "VNO" Vilnius International Airport (4.3 Km SE)
Points of interest near Vilkpėdė:
- 4.3 Km NE Great Synagogue of Vilna, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 4.4 Km NE Vilnius Town Hall, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 4.9 Km NE Cathedral Square, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 4.9 Km NE Vilnius Cathedral, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 5.1 Km NE National Museum of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania
- 5.1 Km NE Gediminas Tower, Vilnius, Lithuania
Need to calculate the distance between Vilkpėdė and nearby cities? See Vilkpėdė to nearby cities.
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Vilkpėdė.
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