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Gusev Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Gusev, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia is: 54.58905 and the longitude is: 22.203298.

Gusev Latitude: 54.58905
Gusev Longitude: 22.203298
Latitude DMS: 54°35'20.58"N
Longitude DMS: 22°12'11.87"E
UTM Easting: 577,756.04
UTM Northing: 6,049,728.37
UTM Zone: 34U
Geohash: u3xy91xuq26z
Position from Earth's Center: NNE
Elevation: 44.96 Meters (147.52 Feet)
City: Gusev
District: Gusevskiy rayon
Province: Kaliningrad Oblast
Country: Russia
Country Code: RU
Country Code Alpha-3: RUS
Country Continent: Europe and Asia
Continent Region: Europe
Time Zone: Europe/Kaliningrad
Time Zone Abbreviation: EET
EET Stands for: Eastern European Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +02:00
Current Time: Wednesday January 22nd 5:30pm

Gusev, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia Summary

Gusev has a latitude of 54°35'20.58"N and a longitude of 22°12'11.87"E or 54.58905 and 22.203298 respectively. Based on population, the area is ranked #634 in Russia.

Gusev, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia coordinates are near the Poland, Lithuania and Belarus borders; 64.8 Km NNW of Olecko, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland (see coordinates for Olecko); 73.8 Km S of Taurage, Tauragė County, Lithuania (see coordinates for Tauragė) and 146.5 Km NW of Hrodna, Grodno Region, Belarus (see coordinates for Grodno).

Populated areas near Gusev:

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Gusev.

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