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Gabon Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Gabon is: -0.803689 and the longitude is: 11.60944399999994.

Gabon Latitude: -0.803689
Gabon Longitude: 11.60944399999994
Latitude DMS: 0°48'13.28"S
Longitude DMS: 11°36'34"E
UTM Easting: 790,438.47
UTM Northing: 9,911,075.34
UTM Zone: 32M
Geohash: krb72jtwptsb
Position from Earth's Center: E
Elevation: 531.59 Meters (1744.07 Feet)
Type: Country
Landlocked: No
Country: Gabon
Country Code: GA
Country Code Alpha-3: GAB
Country Continent: Africa
Continent Region: Middle Africa
Time Zone: Africa/Libreville
Time Zone Abbreviation: WAT
WAT Stands for: West Africa Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +01:00
Current Time: Wednesday October 9th 5:13pm

Gabon Summary

Gabon is located in the continent of Africa, NNW of Mossendjo, Republic of the Congo (see coordinates for Republic of the Congo); SE of Bata, Equatorial Guinea (see coordinates for Equatorial Guinea) and S of Ebolowa, Cameroon (see coordinates for Cameroon).

The capital of Gabon is Libreville. French "français" is the main language of the country.

The 5 most populated places in Gabon are:

  1. Libreville (see coordinates for Libreville)
  2. Port-Gentil (see coordinates for Port-Gentil)
  3. Franceville (see coordinates for Franceville)
  4. Oyem (see coordinates for Oyem)
  5. Moanda (see coordinates for Moanda)

2 points of interest in Gabon:

  • French Cultural Center, Libreville, Gabon
  • Marche du Mont-Bouet, Libreville, Gabon

Gabon time zone(s):

NameUTC/GMT Offset
West Africa Time Zone+01:00/+02:00

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Gabon.

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