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Port-Gentil Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Port-Gentil, Gabon is: -0.735103 and the longitude is: 8.759131.

Port-Gentil Latitude: -0.735103
Port-Gentil Longitude: 8.759131
Latitude DMS: 0°44'6.37"S
Longitude DMS: 8°45'32.87"E
UTM Easting: 473,199.42
UTM Northing: 9,918,748.26
UTM Zone: 32M
Geohash: kpy5z64jwwc7
Position from Earth's Center: E
Elevation: 5.57 Meters (18.28 Feet)
Type: State Capital
City: Port-Gentil
District: Bendje
Province: Ogooue-Maritime
Country: Gabon
Country Code: GA
Country Code Alpha-3: GAB
Country Continent: Africa
Time Zone: Africa/Libreville
Time Zone Abbreviation: WAT
WAT Stands for: West Africa Time
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: +01:00
Current Time: Friday December 13th 10:17pm

Port-Gentil, Gabon Summary

Port-Gentil which is the capital of the Ogooue-Maritime province, is the 2nd most populated city in Gabon (see coordinates for Gabon). Libreville which is the capital of Gabon, located 150.3 Km NNE of Port-Gentil is the most populated (see coordinates for Libreville).

Airport near 0°44'6.37"S and 8°45'32.87"E:

  • "POG" Port Gentil Airport (2.7 Km NNW)

Need to calculate the distance between Port-Gentil and other cities? See Port-Gentil to other cities.

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Port-Gentil.

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