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Colombia Latitude and Longitude
The latitude for Colombia is: 4.570868 and the longitude is: -74.29733299999998.
Colombia Latitude: | 4.570868 |
Colombia Longitude: | -74.29733299999998 |
Latitude DMS: | 4°34'15.12"N |
Longitude DMS: | 74°17'50.4"W |
UTM Easting: | 577,944.16 |
UTM Northing: | 505,267.09 |
UTM Zone: | 18N |
Geohash: | d2g4j2474xt1 |
Position from Earth's Center: | W |
Elevation: | 2512.47 Meters (8243.01 Feet) |
Type: | Country |
Landlocked: | No |
Country: | Colombia |
Country Code: | CO |
Country Code Alpha-3: | COL |
Country Continent: | South America |
Time Zone: | America/Bogota |
Time Zone Abbreviation: | -05 |
Daylight Saving Time: | No |
UTC/GMT Difference: | -05:00 |
Current Time: | Wednesday December 4th 5:33pm |
Colombia Summary
Colombia is located in the continent of South America, SSW of Rubio, Venezuela (see coordinates for Venezuela); NE of Tulcan, Ecuador (see coordinates for Ecuador); SE of Chepo, Panama (see coordinates for Panama) and N of Iquitos, Peru (see coordinates for Peru).
The capital of Colombia is Bogota "Bogotá". Spanish "español" is the main language of the country.
The 5 most populated places in Colombia are:
- Bogota (see coordinates for Bogotá)
- Cali (see coordinates for Cali)
- Medellin (see coordinates for Medellín)
- Barranquilla (see coordinates for Barranquilla)
- Cartagena (see coordinates for Cartagena)
7 points of interest in Colombia:
- Rafael Pombo Foundation, Bogota, Colombia
- Planetario Distrital, Bogota, Colombia
- Cali Cathedral, Cali, Colombia
- Gold Museum, Cali, Colombia
- Pueblito Paisa, Medellin, Colombia (see coordinates for Pueblito Paisa)
- Barranquilla Cathedral, Barranquilla, Colombia
- Fuerte Pastelillo, Cartagena, Colombia
Colombia time zone(s):
Name | UTC/GMT Offset |
-05:00 |
Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Colombia.
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