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Ecuador Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Ecuador is: -1.831239 and the longitude is: -78.183406.

Ecuador Latitude: -1.831239
Ecuador Longitude: -78.183406
Latitude DMS: 1°49'52.46"S
Longitude DMS: 78°11'0.26"W
UTM Easting: 813,384.24
UTM Northing: 9,797,346.08
UTM Zone: 17M
Geohash: 6r8msfss6871
Position from Earth's Center: W
Elevation: 1393.95 Meters (4573.34 Feet)
Type: Country
Landlocked: No
Country: Ecuador
Country Code: EC
Country Code Alpha-3: ECU
Country Continent: South America
Time Zone: America/Guayaquil
Time Zone Abbreviation: -05
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -05:00
Current Time: Friday October 11th 9:42am

Ecuador Summary

Ecuador is located in the continent of South America, NE of Zarumilla, Peru (see coordinates for Peru) and S of Ipiales, Colombia (see coordinates for Colombia).

The capital of Ecuador is Quito. Spanish "espaƱol" is the main language of the country.

The 5 most populated places in Ecuador are:

  1. Guayaquil (see coordinates for Guayaquil)
  2. Quito (see coordinates for Quito)
  3. Cuenca (see coordinates for Cuenca)
  4. Santo Domingo de los Colorados (see coordinates for Santo Domingo)
  5. Machala (see coordinates for Machala Canton)

7 points of interest in Ecuador:

  • La Rotonda, Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Nahim Isaias Museum, Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Calle La Ronda, Quito, Ecuador
  • Quito Cathedral, Quito, Ecuador
  • Cuenca Cathedral, Cuenca, Ecuador
  • Machala Cathedral, Machala, Ecuador
  • Unioro Shopping Center, Machala, Ecuador

Ecuador time zone(s):

NameUTC/GMT Offset

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Ecuador.

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