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Chorozinho - CE Latitude and Longitude

The latitude for Chorozinho - CE, Brazil is: -4.289114 and the longitude is: -38.498916.

Chorozinho - CE Latitude: -4.289114
Chorozinho - CE Longitude: -38.498916
Latitude DMS: 4°17'20.81"S
Longitude DMS: 38°29'56.1"W
UTM Easting: 555,603.69
UTM Northing: 9,525,896.96
UTM Zone: 24M
Geohash: 7phxegjyn5pw
Position from Earth's Center: W
Elevation: 67.21 Meters (220.51 Feet)
City: Chorozinho
District: Chorozinho
Province: Ceará
Province Abbreviation: CE
Country: Brazil
Country Code: BR
Country Code Alpha-3: BRA
Country Continent: South America
Time Zone: America/Fortaleza
Time Zone Abbreviation: -03
Daylight Saving Time: No
UTC/GMT Difference: -03:00
Current Time: Thursday May 2nd 4:18pm

Chorozinho - CE, Brazil Summary

Chorozinho has a latitude of 4°17'20.81"S and a longitude of 38°29'56.1"W or -4.289114 and -38.498916 respectively.

Areas near Chorozinho:

Populated areas nearby:

Airports near 4°17'20.81"S and 38°29'56.1"W:

  • "FOR" Pinto Martins International Airport (57.2 Km N)

Now that you know the location, you might also be interested in knowing the land elevation or altitude, for details see elevation for Chorozinho - CE.

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