Distance from Zwedru to Nearby Cities

The distance from Zwedru to the nearest city Greenville is 113.4 miles or 182.5 kilometers away. The nearest town Buutuo is 134.4 miles or 216.2 kilometers away.

Zwedru is also 224.3 miles or 361 kilometers from Guiglo in Ivory Coast.

Zwedru Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Zwedru Distances
Nearby Location(s): 14
Nearest Location: 54.3 Mi (87.4 Km)

Zwedru to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Zwedru and nearby cities in Liberia.

From Zwedru Population Distance
SW to Greenville16,43495.3 Mi (153.4 Km) 113.4 Mi (182.5 Km)
NNW to Yekepa24,695108.1 Mi (174 Km) 173 Mi (278.4 Km)
NW to Gbarnga45,835112.2 Mi (180.5 Km) 168.5 Mi (271.1 Km)
SSE to Harper32,661120.6 Mi (194 Km) 179.7 Mi (289.1 Km)
W to Buchanan25,731130.6 Mi (210.1 Km) 195.2 Mi (314.1 Km)
W to Kakata33,945154.8 Mi (249.2 Km) 246.7 Mi (397 Km)
W to Bensonville33,188172.3 Mi (277.4 Km) 272.8 Mi (439.1 Km)
W to Monrovia939,524180.8 Mi (290.9 Km) 288.1 Mi (463.7 Km)

Zwedru to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Zwedru and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Liberia.

From Zwedru Population Distance
NNW to Buutuo?54.3 Mi (87.4 Km) 134.4 Mi (216.2 Km)
SSE to Fish Town3,32862.4 Mi (100.4 Km) 99.8 Mi (160.5 Km)
S to Barclayville2,73396.2 Mi (154.8 Km) 162.3 Mi (261.2 Km)
NNW to Sanniquellie11,41597.6 Mi (157.1 Km) 151.7 Mi (244.1 Km)
WNW to Bopolu2,908175.5 Mi (282.4 Km) 339.3 Mi (546.1 Km)

Zwedru to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Zwedru to Ivory Coast.

From Zwedru Population Distance
NE to Guiglo Ivory Coast39,13455.3 Mi (89.1 Km) 224.3 Mi (361 Km)