Distance Between Ivory Coast Cities

To calculate the distance between cities in Ivory Coast, click on a city from the list below. Ivory Coast (CI) is located in the continent of Africa and shares borders with Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia and Mali. For distance calculations to cities in these countries, see cities near Ivory Coast.

Cities in Ivory Coast

Note: that the cities listed below are deemed major based on population. Due to there being many major cities in Ivory Coast, we have grouped the list by province and sorted by most populated.

City Province Population
BouakeVallee du Bandama567,481
Yamoussoukro (Country Capital)Lacs194,530
ManDix-Huit Montagnes139,341

Cities Near Ivory Coast

The list below shows the distance between the above cities in Ivory Coast and populated cities outside of Ivory Coast which are closest.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Ivory Coast to Burkina Faso  
Ferkessédougou to Sindou118.6 Km (73.7 Mi) 167.3 Km (103.9 Mi)
Korhogo to Sindou140.3 Km (87.2 Mi) 226 Km (140.4 Mi)
  Ivory Coast to Ghana  
Bondoukou to Berekum70.2 Km (43.6 Mi) 99.3 Km (61.7 Mi)
Abengourou to Berekum128.7 Km (80 Mi) 154.2 Km (95.8 Mi)
Abengourou to Duayaw Nkwanta160.8 Km (99.9 Mi) 210.6 Km (130.9 Mi)
  Ivory Coast to Guinea  
Danane to Lola73.4 Km (45.6 Mi) 93.2 Km (57.9 Mi)
Touba to Lola108 Km (67.1 Mi) 276.2 Km (171.6 Mi)
  Ivory Coast to Liberia  
Danane to Buutuo53.8 Km (33.4 Mi) 71.6 Km (44.5 Mi)
Man to Buutuo108 Km (67.1 Mi) 145.9 Km (90.7 Mi)
  Ivory Coast to Mali  
Tingrela to Kolondieba85.6 Km (53.2 Mi) 94.8 Km (58.9 Mi)
Odienne to Kolondieba189.4 Km (117.7 Mi) 258.3 Km (160.5 Mi)
Distance Between Ivory Coast and Neighboring Countries

The distance between cities in Ivory Coast and cities in neighboring countries; Liberia cities are nearest due to being 53.8 kilometers away.

To Country Distance From Ivory Coast
Liberia 53.8 Km (33.4 Mi)
Ghana 70.2 Km (43.6 Mi)
Guinea 73.4 Km (45.6 Mi)
Mali 85.6 Km (53.2 Mi)
Burkina Faso 118.6 Km (73.7 Mi)
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