Distance from Yalvaç to Nearby Cities

The distance from Yalvaç to the nearest city Akşehir is 49.5 kilometers or 30.8 miles away. The nearest town 32400 Bağkonak/Yalvaç/Isparta is 18.8 kilometers or 11.7 miles away. The nearest major city Senirkent is 65.6 kilometers or 40.8 miles away.

Yalvaç Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Yalvaç Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 12.1 Km (7.5 Mi)

Yalvaç to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Yalvaç and nearby cities in Turkey.

From Yalvaç Population Distance
ENE to Akşehir64,44622.2 Km (13.8 Mi) 49.5 Km (30.8 Mi)
SE to Şarkikaraağaç32,77129.3 Km (18.2 Mi) 32.4 Km (20.1 Mi)
NNW to Çay34,21535.1 Km (21.8 Mi) 47.2 Km (29.4 Mi)
NNW to Bolvadin55,87047.3 Km (29.4 Mi) 62.4 Km (38.8 Mi)
SSW to Eğirdir17,22855.2 Km (34.3 Mi) 71.5 Km (44.5 Mi)

Yalvaç to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Yalvaç and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Turkey.

From Yalvaç Population Distance
ESE to 32400 Bağkonak/Yalvaç/Isparta?12 Km (7.5 Mi) 18.8 Km (11.7 Mi)
W to Kumdanli?16.4 Km (10.2 Mi) 18.3 Km (11.4 Mi)
SW to Gelendost7,27424.3 Km (15.1 Mi) 27.2 Km (16.9 Mi)
N to Sultandağı7,55026.2 Km (16.3 Mi) 77.1 Km (47.9 Mi)
E to Reis?35.7 Km (22.2 Mi) 57.2 Km (35.5 Mi)

Yalvaç to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Yalvaç to major cities in Isparta.

From Yalvaç Population Distance
WSW to Senirkent15,91958.7 Km (36.5 Mi) 65.6 Km (40.8 Mi)