Distance from St George's to Nearby Cities

The distance from St George's to the nearest city St Davids is 14.8 kilometers or 9.2 miles away.

St George's Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
St George's Distances
Nearby Location(s): 5
Nearest Location: 9 Km (5.6 Mi)

St George's to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between St George's and nearby cities in Grenada.

From St George's Population Distance
ESE to St Davids1,3219.1 Km (5.6 Mi) 14.8 Km (9.2 Mi)
N to Gouyave3,37812.8 Km (8 Mi) 20.2 Km (12.6 Mi)
ENE to Grenville2,47615.6 Km (9.7 Mi) 22.3 Km (13.9 Mi)
NNE to Victoria2,25616.1 Km (10 Mi) 26.1 Km (16.2 Mi)
NNE to Sauteurs1,32021.6 Km (13.4 Mi) 35.9 Km (22.3 Mi)