Distance from South Valley, NM to Nearby Cities

The distance from South Valley to the nearest city Albuquerque is 11.7 miles or 18.9 kilometers away. The nearest town Lee Acres is 15 miles or 24.1 kilometers away. 3 major cities are near South Valley; Santa Fe being the closest is 71.2 miles or 114.6 kilometers away.

South Valley is also near the Arizona state border; Phoenix in Arizona is 419 miles or 674.4 kilometers away.

South Valley Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
South Valley Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 8 Mi (12.9 Km)

South Valley to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between South Valley and nearby cities in the United States.

From South Valley, NM Population Distance
NNE to Albuquerque, NM545,8528 Mi (12.8 Km) 11.7 Mi (18.9 Km)
N to Rio Rancho, NM87,52115.4 Mi (24.8 Km) 24.2 Mi (38.9 Km)
NNE to Enchanted Hills Boulevard Northeast, NM87,52122.9 Mi (36.9 Km) 29.9 Mi (48.1 Km)

South Valley to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between South Valley and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From South Valley, NM Population Distance
N to Lee Acres, NM5,8589.7 Mi (15.6 Km) 15 Mi (24.1 Km)
N to Los Ranchos De Albuquerque, NM6,02410.7 Mi (17.2 Km) 15 Mi (24.1 Km)
S to Bosque Farms, NM3,90410.8 Mi (17.4 Km) 12.9 Mi (20.8 Km)
NNE to North Valley, NM11,33311.7 Mi (18.8 Km) 17.9 Mi (28.8 Km)
S to Peralta, NM3,66012 Mi (19.3 Km) 13.4 Mi (21.5 Km)

South Valley to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from South Valley to major cities in New Mexico.

From South Valley, NM Population Distance
NE to Santa Fe, NM67,94762.7 Mi (100.9 Km) 71.2 Mi (114.6 Km)
SE to Roswell, NM48,366166.3 Mi (267.6 Km) 207.9 Mi (334.5 Km)
S to Las Cruces, NM97,618186 Mi (299.3 Km) 215.7 Mi (347.1 Km)
South Valley to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from South Valley to major cities in Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Arizona and Colorado.

From South Valley, NM Population Distance
WSW to Phoenix, AZ1,445,632326.6 Mi (525.7 Km) 419 Mi (674.4 Km)
NNE to Denver, CO600,158339.7 Mi (546.7 Km) 455.5 Mi (733.1 Km)
NW to Salt Lake City, UT186,440488.5 Mi (786.1 Km) 604.9 Mi (973.4 Km)
E to Oklahoma City, OK579,999517.9 Mi (833.5 Km) 550.9 Mi (886.6 Km)
ESE to Houston, TX2,099,451752.4 Mi (1210.9 Km) 890.8 Mi (1433.6 Km)