Distance from Sofia to Nearby Cities

The distance from Sofia to the nearest city Pernik is 35.2 kilometers or 21.9 miles away. The nearest town Bozhurishte is 13 kilometers or 8.1 miles away. 5 major cities are near Sofia; Plovdiv being the closest is 144.6 kilometers or 89.9 miles away.

Sofia is also 88.1 kilometers or 54.7 miles from Pirot in Serbia.

Sofia Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Sofia Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 12.2 Km (7.6 Mi)

Sofia to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Sofia and nearby cities in Bulgaria.

From Sofia Population Distance
WSW to Pernik82,46725.4 Km (15.8 Mi) 35.2 Km (21.9 Mi)
SSE to Samokov26,76544.4 Km (27.6 Mi) 60.5 Km (37.6 Mi)
ENE to Botevgrad20,90945 Km (28 Mi) 64.2 Km (39.9 Mi)
SSW to Dupnica34,76451.5 Km (32 Mi) 73.6 Km (45.7 Mi)
NNE to Vratsa64,94160 Km (37.3 Mi) 110.9 Km (68.9 Mi)

Sofia to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Sofia and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Bulgaria.

From Sofia Population Distance
NW to Bozhurishte4,36012.2 Km (7.6 Mi) 13 Km (8.1 Mi)
NW to 2230 Kostinbrod12,17515.5 Km (9.6 Mi) 16.3 Km (10.1 Mi)
ENE to 1830 Buhovo3,28321.3 Km (13.2 Mi) 25.4 Km (15.8 Mi)
E to Elin Pelin7,37323.1 Km (14.3 Mi) 25.5 Km (15.9 Mi)
NW to 2200 Slivnitsa7,54528.8 Km (17.9 Mi) 31.5 Km (19.6 Mi)

Sofia to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Sofia to major cities in Sofia-city.

From Sofia Population Distance
ESE to Plovdiv340,494132.6 Km (82.4 Mi) 144.6 Km (89.9 Mi)
E to Stara Zagora143,431191.8 Km (119.2 Mi) 231.5 Km (143.8 Mi)
ENE to Ruse156,238248.7 Km (154.5 Mi) 309.5 Km (192.3 Mi)
E to Burgas195,966339.7 Km (211.1 Mi) 382.7 Km (237.8 Mi)
E to 9000 Varna312,770378.2 Km (235 Mi) 442.7 Km (275.1 Mi)
Sofia to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Sofia to major cities in bordering Greece, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia.

From Sofia Population Distance
NW to Pirot Serbia40,67878.7 Km (48.9 Mi) 88.1 Km (54.7 Mi)
SSW to Delchevo Macedonia17,41592.5 Km (57.5 Mi) 133.6 Km (83 Mi)
NNW to Calafat Romania18,643147.1 Km (91.4 Mi) 213 Km (132.3 Mi)
S to Serres Greece58,287179.6 Km (111.6 Mi) 226 Km (140.4 Mi)