Distance from Slatina to Nearby Cities

The distance from Slatina to the nearest city Balș is 25.8 kilometers or 16.1 miles away. The nearest town Slatioara is 6.5 kilometers or 4 miles away. The nearest major city Corabia is 82.9 kilometers or 51.5 miles away.

Slatina is also 179.9 kilometers or 111.8 miles from Lom in Bulgaria.

Slatina Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Slatina Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 5 Km (3.1 Mi)

Slatina to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Slatina and nearby cities in Romania.

From Slatina Population Distance
WSW to Balș20,62623.4 Km (14.5 Mi) 25.8 Km (16.1 Mi)
NNW to Drăgășani20,63027.4 Km (17 Mi) 34.5 Km (21.4 Mi)
S to Caracal 23520033,76135 Km (21.8 Mi) 41.5 Km (25.8 Mi)
WSW to Craiova304,14245.4 Km (28.2 Mi) 51.7 Km (32.1 Mi)
SE to Roșiorii de Vede 14510030,77461.2 Km (38 Mi) 76.2 Km (47.4 Mi)

Slatina to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Slatina and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Romania.

From Slatina Population Distance
SW to Slatioara2,5285.1 Km (3.1 Mi) 6.5 Km (4 Mi)
NNW to Dobrotinet1,1775.9 Km (3.7 Mi) 9.9 Km (6.2 Mi)
W to Dranovătu1,1567.2 Km (4.5 Mi) 9.3 Km (5.8 Mi)
WSW to Găneasa4,0748 Km (5 Mi) 9 Km (5.6 Mi)
NNW to Curtișoara4,5838.4 Km (5.2 Mi) 9.8 Km (6.1 Mi)

Slatina to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Slatina to major cities in Olt County.

From Slatina Population Distance
S to Corabia20,04773.4 Km (45.6 Mi) 82.9 Km (51.5 Mi)
Slatina to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Slatina to major cities in bordering Bulgaria and Serbia.

From Slatina Population Distance
SW to Lom Bulgaria26,594113.3 Km (70.4 Mi) 179.9 Km (111.8 Mi)
W to Negotin Serbia17,612148.1 Km (92 Mi) 191.1 Km (118.8 Mi)