Distance Between Romania Cities

To calculate the distance between cities in Romania, click on a city from the list below. Romania (RO) is located in the continent of Europe and shares borders with Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine. For distance calculations to cities in these countries, see cities near Romania.

Cities in Romania

Note: that the cities listed below are deemed major based on population. Due to there being many major cities in Romania, we have grouped the list by province and sorted by most populated.

City Province Population
Bucharest (Country Capital)Bucharest1,877,155
IașiIași County318,012
Cluj-NapocaCluj County316,748
TimișoaraTimiș County315,053
CraiovaDolj County304,142
ConstanțaConstanța County303,399
BrașovBrașov County276,088
BrăilaBrăila County213,569
OradeaBihor County206,614
BacăuBacău County171,396
AradArad County169,065
PiteștiArgeș County167,669
Târgu MureșMureș County146,863
Baia MareMaramureș County136,553
BuzăuBuzău County130,954
BotoșaniBotoșani County114,783
Satu MareSatu Mare County112,490
Râmnicu VâlceaVâlcea County107,558
SuceavaSuceava County105,796
FocșaniVrancea County105,112
Piatra NeamțNeamț County102,688
Drobeta-Turnu SeverinMehedinți County102,346
Târgu JiuGorj County97,179
TulceaTulcea County92,475
TârgovișteDâmbovița County88,435
BistrițaBistrița-Năsăud County81,318
ResitaCaraș-Severin County81,228
SlatinaOlt County78,988
VasluiVaslui County69,225
HunedoaraHunedoara County69,136
GiurgiuGiurgiu County69,067
Alba IuliaAlba County66,085
Sfântu GheorgheCovasna County60,677
SloboziaIalomița County52,710
AlexandriaTeleorman County49,346
Miercurea CiucHarghita County41,282
VoluntariIlfov County30,323
Oltenița 915400Județul Călărași26,356

Cities Near Romania

The list below shows the distance between the above cities in Romania and populated cities outside of Romania which are closest.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Romania to Bulgaria  
Giurgiu to Ruse7.6 Km (4.7 Mi) 13.8 Km (8.5 Mi)
  Romania to Hungary  
Borș to Berettyóújfalu24.1 Km (15 Mi) 27.2 Km (16.9 Mi)
Oradea to Berettyóújfalu34.8 Km (21.6 Mi) 41.7 Km (25.9 Mi)
Oradea to Debrecen58.3 Km (36.2 Mi) 77.9 Km (48.4 Mi)
  Romania to Moldova  
Iași to Ungheni27.5 Km (17.1 Mi) 59.8 Km (37.1 Mi)
  Romania to Serbia  
Checea 307102 to Radojevo6.6 Km (4.1 Mi) 28.8 Km (17.9 Mi)
Timișoara to Radojevo35.9 Km (22.3 Mi) 56.7 Km (35.2 Mi)
Timișoara to Srpska Crnja43.6 Km (27.1 Mi) 58 Km (36.1 Mi)
  Romania to Ukraine  
Rădăuți to Hlyboka28 Km (17.4 Mi) 40.2 Km (25 Mi)
Suceava to Hlyboka54.6 Km (33.9 Mi) 63 Km (39.1 Mi)
Suceava to Chernivtsi75.3 Km (46.8 Mi) 88.9 Km (55.2 Mi)
Distance Between Romania and Neighboring Countries

The distance between cities in Romania and cities in neighboring countries; Serbia cities are nearest due to being 6.6 kilometers away.

To Country Distance From Romania
Serbia 6.6 Km (4.1 Mi)
Bulgaria 7.6 Km (4.7 Mi)
Hungary 24.1 Km (15 Mi)
Moldova 27.5 Km (17.1 Mi)
Ukraine 28 Km (17.4 Mi)
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