Distance from Sakarya to Nearby Cities

The distance from Sakarya to the nearest city Sapanca is 23.8 kilometers or 14.8 miles away. The nearest town Kazımpaşa is 10.6 kilometers or 6.6 miles away. The nearest major city Karasu is 55.1 kilometers or 34.3 miles away.

Sakarya Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Sakarya Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 9.3 Km (5.8 Mi)

Sakarya to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Sakarya and nearby cities in Turkey.

From Sakarya Population Distance
SW to Sapanca25,22414.6 Km (9.1 Mi) 23.8 Km (14.8 Mi)
NNE to Ferizli23,74020 Km (12.4 Mi) 26 Km (16.2 Mi)
ESE to Akyazı25,06821.8 Km (13.5 Mi) 30.7 Km (19.1 Mi)
E to Hendek35,25729.6 Km (18.4 Mi) 34.4 Km (21.4 Mi)
SSW to Geyve20,19930.7 Km (19.1 Mi) 35.3 Km (21.9 Mi)

Sakarya to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Sakarya and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Turkey.

From Sakarya Population Distance
WNW to Kazımpaşa?9.3 Km (5.8 Mi) 10.6 Km (6.6 Mi)
NNE to Söğütlü8,05115.9 Km (9.9 Mi) 21.8 Km (13.5 Mi)
SSW to Doğançay Yolu?17.3 Km (10.8 Mi) 19.2 Km (12 Mi)
SE to Karapürçek4,70519 Km (11.8 Mi) 24.4 Km (15.1 Mi)
NNW to Kaymaz?20 Km (12.4 Mi) 24 Km (14.9 Mi)

Sakarya to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Sakarya to major cities in Sakarya.

From Sakarya Population Distance
NE to Karasu39,50843.7 Km (27.2 Mi) 55.1 Km (34.3 Mi)