Distance from Raytown, MO to Nearby Cities

The distance from Raytown to the nearest city Independence is 7.9 miles or 12.7 kilometers away. The nearest town Sugar Creek is 7.4 miles or 11.9 kilometers away. 3 major cities are near Raytown; Columbia being the closest is 119.5 miles or 192.4 kilometers away.

Raytown is also near the Nebraska state border; Omaha in Nebraska is 203 miles or 326.7 kilometers away.

Raytown Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Raytown Distances
Nearby Location(s): 21
Nearest Location: 6.3 Mi (10.1 Km)

Raytown to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Raytown and nearby cities in the United States.

From Raytown, MO Population Distance
NNE to Independence, MO116,8306.3 Mi (10.1 Km) 7.9 Mi (12.7 Km)
SSE to Lee's Summit, MO91,3648 Mi (13 Km) 9.2 Mi (14.8 Km)
WSW to Leawood, KS31,8678.7 Mi (14.1 Km) 13.8 Mi (22.3 Km)
NW to Kansas City, MO459,7878.8 Mi (14.2 Km) 11.6 Mi (18.7 Km)
W to Prairie Village, KS21,4479.2 Mi (14.8 Km) 10.6 Mi (17.1 Km)

Raytown to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Raytown and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Raytown, MO Population Distance
N to Sugar Creek, MO3,3457.1 Mi (11.4 Km) 7.4 Mi (11.9 Km)
W to Mission Hills, KS3,4988.3 Mi (13.3 Km) 8.6 Mi (13.8 Km)
WNW to Westwood, KS1,5068.5 Mi (13.7 Km) 10 Mi (16.1 Km)
W to Fairway, KS3,8829.1 Mi (14.6 Km) 9.8 Mi (15.7 Km)
WNW to Roeland Park, KS6,7319.3 Mi (14.9 Km) 10.9 Mi (17.5 Km)

Raytown to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Raytown to major cities in Missouri.

From Raytown, MO Population Distance
E to Columbia, MO108,500114.5 Mi (184.2 Km) 119.5 Mi (192.4 Km)
SSE to Springfield, MO159,498139.7 Mi (224.9 Km) 161.6 Mi (260 Km)
E to Saint Louis, MO319,294231.1 Mi (371.9 Km) 241.7 Mi (389 Km)
Raytown to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Raytown to major cities in Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas and Kentucky.

From Raytown, MO Population Distance
NNW to Omaha, NE408,958175 Mi (281.6 Km) 203 Mi (326.7 Km)
WSW to Wichita, KS382,368180.4 Mi (290.4 Km) 198.8 Mi (320 Km)
NNE to Des Moines, IA203,433184.7 Mi (297.3 Km) 198.8 Mi (320 Km)
SW to Oklahoma City, OK579,999296.8 Mi (477.6 Km) 353.1 Mi (568.2 Km)
SSE to Little Rock, AR193,524318.1 Mi (512 Km) 418.2 Mi (673 Km)
SE to Memphis, TN646,889361 Mi (581 Km) 446.6 Mi (718.7 Km)
ENE to Chicago, IL2,695,598410.3 Mi (660.4 Km) 515 Mi (828.8 Km)
E to Ironville, KY288,649635.3 Mi (1022.5 Km) 687 Mi (1105.7 Km)