Distance from Rapid City, SD to Nearby Cities

The distance from Rapid City to the nearest city Gillette is 141.4 miles or 227.5 kilometers away. The nearest town Rapid Valley is 5.4 miles or 8.7 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Rapid City; Aberdeen being the closest is 331 miles or 532.7 kilometers away.

Rapid City is also near the Wyoming state border; Cheyenne in Wyoming is 296.8 miles or 477.6 kilometers away.

Rapid City Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Rapid City Distances
Nearby Location(s): 19
Nearest Location: 4.4 Mi (7.1 Km)

Rapid City to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Rapid City and nearby cities in the United States.

From Rapid City, SD Population Distance
W to Gillette, WY29,087113.5 Mi (182.6 Km) 141.4 Mi (227.5 Km)
S to Scottsbluff, NE15,039154.6 Mi (248.8 Km) 194.2 Mi (312.5 Km)
WSW to Casper, WY55,316175.9 Mi (283 Km) 252.6 Mi (406.5 Km)

Rapid City to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Rapid City and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Rapid City, SD Population Distance
ESE to Rapid Valley, SD8,2604.4 Mi (7.1 Km) 5.4 Mi (8.7 Km)
NW to Black Hawk, SD2,8926.2 Mi (10 Km) 7.5 Mi (12.1 Km)
SW to Colonial Pine Hills, SD2,4936.5 Mi (10.5 Km) 9.6 Mi (15.5 Km)
ENE to Box Elder, SD7,8008.4 Mi (13.5 Km) 10.4 Mi (16.7 Km)
NW to Summerset, SD1,8149.4 Mi (15.1 Km) 12.4 Mi (19.9 Km)

Rapid City to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Rapid City to major cities in South Dakota.

From Rapid City, SD Population Distance
ENE to Aberdeen, SD26,091251.6 Mi (404.9 Km) 331 Mi (532.7 Km)
E to Mitchell, SD15,254260.3 Mi (418.8 Km) 276.3 Mi (444.7 Km)
E to Watertown, SD21,482306.7 Mi (493.6 Km) 359 Mi (577.7 Km)
E to Brookings, SD22,056319.1 Mi (513.5 Km) 391.1 Mi (629.4 Km)
E to Sioux Falls, SD153,888326.2 Mi (524.9 Km) 347.2 Mi (558.7 Km)
Rapid City to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Rapid City to major cities in Wyoming, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Nebraska.

From Rapid City, SD Population Distance
SSW to Cheyenne, WY59,466218.7 Mi (352 Km) 296.8 Mi (477.6 Km)
WNW to Billings, MT104,170283.3 Mi (456 Km) 318.1 Mi (512 Km)
ENE to Fargo, ND105,549367 Mi (590.6 Km) 495 Mi (796.6 Km)
ESE to Omaha, NE408,958416.1 Mi (669.6 Km) 527.1 Mi (848.3 Km)
E to Minneapolis, MN382,578494.6 Mi (796 Km) 574.7 Mi (924.9 Km)
ESE to Des Moines, IA203,433516.5 Mi (831.2 Km) 626 Mi (1007.4 Km)