Distance from Paysandú 60000 to Nearby Cities

The distance from Paysandú 60000 to the nearest city Young is 64.5 kilometers or 40.1 miles away. The nearest town San Félix is 6.7 kilometers or 4.2 miles away. 5 major cities are near Paysandú 60000; Salto being the closest is 120.3 kilometers or 74.8 miles away.

Paysandú 60000 is also 56.8 kilometers or 35.3 miles from Concepción del Uruguay in Argentina.

Paysandú 60000 Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Paysandú 60000 Distances
Nearby Location(s): 13
Nearest Location: 5.1 Km (3.2 Mi)

Paysandú 60000 to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Paysandú 60000 and nearby cities in Uruguay.

From Paysandú 60000 Population Distance
SE to Young15,92459.8 Km (37.2 Mi) 64.5 Km (40.1 Mi)
SSW to Fray Bentos23,27992.6 Km (57.5 Mi) 127.3 Km (79.1 Mi)

Paysandú 60000 to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Paysandú 60000 and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Uruguay.

From Paysandú 60000 Population Distance
SSW to San Félix1,1615.2 Km (3.2 Mi) 6.7 Km (4.2 Mi)
SE to Porvenir 600121,05513.5 Km (8.4 Mi) 18.3 Km (11.4 Mi)
S to San Javier1,70139.4 Km (24.5 Mi) 50.6 Km (31.4 Mi)
E to Piedras Coloradas1,12044.7 Km (27.8 Mi) 48.1 Km (29.9 Mi)
NNE to Quebracho2,87145.2 Km (28.1 Mi) 58 Km (36.1 Mi)

Paysandú 60000 to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Paysandú 60000 to major cities in Paysandu.

From Paysandú 60000 Population Distance
N to Salto99,823103.6 Km (64.3 Mi) 120.3 Km (74.8 Mi)
ENE to Rivera64,631285.3 Km (177.3 Mi) 345.4 Km (214.6 Mi)
SSE to Las Piedras69,682317.5 Km (197.3 Mi) 350.3 Km (217.7 Mi)
SSE to Montevideo1,270,737338.1 Km (210.1 Mi) 379.2 Km (235.7 Mi)
SE to Maldonado55,478408.3 Km (253.7 Mi) 473.9 Km (294.5 Mi)
Paysandú 60000 to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Paysandú 60000 to Argentina.

From Paysandú 60000 Population Distance
SW to Concepción del Uruguay Argentina67,89524.2 Km (15.1 Mi) 56.8 Km (35.3 Mi)