Distance from Ochamchire to Nearby Cities

The distance from Ochamchire to the nearest city Zugdidi is 50.5 kilometers or 31.4 miles away. The nearest town Gali is 27.7 kilometers or 17.2 miles away. The nearest major city Rustavi is 416.7 kilometers or 258.9 miles away.

Ochamchire is also 708.4 kilometers or 440.2 miles from Karachayevsk in Russia.

Ochamchire Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Ochamchire Distances
Nearby Location(s): 18
Nearest Location: 23.2 Km (14.4 Mi)

Ochamchire to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Ochamchire and nearby cities in Georgia.

From Ochamchire Population Distance
SE to Zugdidi73,00639.1 Km (24.3 Mi) 50.5 Km (31.4 Mi)
NW to Sokhumi81,54649.1 Km (30.5 Mi) 56.7 Km (35.2 Mi)
SSE to Poti47,14963.4 Km (39.4 Mi) 108.6 Km (67.5 Mi)
SE to Samtredia28,74893.5 Km (58.1 Mi) 121.7 Km (75.6 Mi)
SSE to Ozurgeti20,63697.5 Km (60.6 Mi) 156.3 Km (97.1 Mi)
ESE to Tskaltubo16,736101.5 Km (63.1 Mi) 152.3 Km (94.7 Mi)
SSE to Kobuleti18,600102.6 Km (63.7 Mi) 154.5 Km (96 Mi)
ESE to Kutaisi178,338112.4 Km (69.8 Mi) 154.3 Km (95.8 Mi)
S to Batumi121,806122.3 Km (76 Mi) 178.8 Km (111.1 Mi)
ESE to Zestafoni25,891144.7 Km (89.9 Mi) 187.7 Km (116.6 Mi)

Ochamchire to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Ochamchire and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Georgia.

From Ochamchire Population Distance
ESE to Gali11,86123.2 Km (14.4 Mi) 27.7 Km (17.2 Mi)
NW to Dranda3,20531.8 Km (19.8 Mi) 37.3 Km (23.2 Mi)
NW to Gulripshi?38.8 Km (24.1 Mi) 45.5 Km (28.3 Mi)
E to Jvari4,75646.9 Km (29.2 Mi) 74.4 Km (46.2 Mi)
E to Tsalenjikha8,87949.3 Km (30.7 Mi) 72.2 Km (44.9 Mi)

Ochamchire to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Ochamchire to major cities in Georgia.

From Ochamchire Population Distance
ESE to Rustavi50,000322.6 Km (200.5 Mi) 416.7 Km (258.9 Mi)
Ochamchire to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Ochamchire to major cities in bordering Russia and Turkey.

From Ochamchire Population Distance
NNE to Karachayevsk Russia20,264124.5 Km (77.4 Mi) 708.4 Km (440.2 Mi)
S to Hopa Turkey17,519146.3 Km (90.9 Mi) 218.8 Km (136 Mi)