Distance from New York, NY to Nearby Cities

The distance from New York center to the nearest city Hoboken is 4.2 miles or 6.8 kilometers away. The nearest town Byram is 33.3 miles or 53.6 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near New York; Yonkers being the closest is 21.1 miles or 33.9 kilometers away.

New York is also near the New Jersey state border; Newark in New Jersey is 10.3 miles or 16.6 kilometers away.

New York Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
New York Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 2.6 Mi (4.2 Km)

New York to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between New York and nearby cities in the United States.

From New York, NY Population Distance
NNW to Hoboken, NJ50,0052.6 Mi (4.1 Km) 4.2 Mi (6.8 Km)
NE to Long Island City, NY25,5953.3 Mi (5.2 Km) 5.7 Mi (9.2 Km)
WNW to Jersey City, NJ247,5973.9 Mi (6.3 Km) 7 Mi (11.3 Km)
SE to Brooklyn, NY2,300,6644 Mi (6.5 Km) 5.1 Mi (8.2 Km)
N to West New York, NJ49,7085.2 Mi (8.4 Km) 8 Mi (12.9 Km)

New York to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between New York and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From New York, NY Population Distance
NE to Byram, CT4,14627.3 Mi (43.9 Km) 33.3 Mi (53.6 Km)
SW to Whittingham, NJ2,47635 Mi (56.4 Km) 46.1 Mi (74.1 Km)
NNE to Jefferson Valley-Yorktown, NY14,14242.9 Mi (69 Km) 49.4 Mi (79.5 Km)
NNW to South Blooming Grove, NY3,23446.1 Mi (74.2 Km) 61.6 Mi (99.2 Km)
S to Dover Beaches North, NJ1,23950 Mi (80.4 Km) 71.1 Mi (114.5 Km)

New York to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from New York to major cities in New York.

From New York, NY Population Distance
NNE to Yonkers, NY195,97616.1 Mi (25.9 Km) 21.1 Mi (33.9 Km)
NW to Syracuse, NY145,170195.4 Mi (314.5 Km) 247 Mi (397.6 Km)
NW to Rochester, NY210,565250.9 Mi (403.8 Km) 334 Mi (537.6 Km)
WNW to Amherst, NY122,366291.8 Mi (469.5 Km) 389.9 Mi (627.5 Km)
WNW to Buffalo, NY261,310292.5 Mi (470.7 Km) 373.3 Mi (600.8 Km)
New York to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from New York to major cities in Pennsylvania, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

From New York, NY Population Distance
W to Newark, NJ277,1408.9 Mi (14.3 Km) 10.3 Mi (16.6 Km)
NE to Bridgeport, CT144,22953.5 Mi (86.1 Km) 62.8 Mi (101.1 Km)
SW to Philadelphia, PA1,526,00680.6 Mi (129.7 Km) 97 Mi (156.1 Km)
NE to Boston, MA617,594190.3 Mi (306.2 Km) 215.3 Mi (346.5 Km)
N to Burlington, VT42,417263.2 Mi (423.6 Km) 300.4 Mi (483.4 Km)