Distance from Monroe, LA to Nearby Cities

The distance from Monroe center to the nearest city Ruston is 33.2 miles or 53.4 kilometers away. The nearest town West Monroe is 2.3 miles or 3.7 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Monroe; Shreveport being the closest is 100 miles or 160.9 kilometers away.

Monroe is also near the Mississippi state border; Jackson in Mississippi is 122.1 miles or 196.5 kilometers away.

Monroe Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Monroe Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 1.8 Mi (2.9 Km)

Monroe to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Monroe and nearby cities in the United States.

From Monroe, LA Population Distance
W to Ruston, LA21,85930.2 Mi (48.7 Km) 33.2 Mi (53.4 Km)
NW to El Dorado, AR18,88457.8 Mi (93 Km) 66.4 Mi (106.8 Km)

Monroe to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Monroe and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Monroe, LA Population Distance
WNW to West Monroe, LA13,0651.8 Mi (2.8 Km) 2.3 Mi (3.7 Km)
SW to Brownsville, LA4,3172.6 Mi (4.1 Km) 2.8 Mi (4.6 Km)
SW to Bawcomville, LA3,5883.9 Mi (6.2 Km) 4.8 Mi (7.6 Km)
W to Claiborne, LA11,5074.3 Mi (6.8 Km) 6.4 Mi (10.3 Km)
SSE to Richwood, LA3,3924.6 Mi (7.5 Km) 5.9 Mi (9.4 Km)

Monroe to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Monroe to major cities in Louisiana.

From Monroe, LA Population Distance
W to Shreveport, LA199,31195 Mi (153 Km) 100 Mi (160.9 Km)
SSE to Baton Rouge, LA229,493153 Mi (246.3 Km) 186.7 Mi (300.4 Km)
S to Lafayette, LA120,623158 Mi (254.4 Km) 184.1 Mi (296.2 Km)
SE to Metairie, LA138,481209.7 Mi (337.4 Km) 276.6 Mi (445.1 Km)
SE to New Orleans, LA343,829214.2 Mi (344.8 Km) 282.4 Mi (454.5 Km)
Monroe to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Monroe to major cities in Mississippi, Texas and Arkansas.

From Monroe, LA Population Distance
E to Jackson, MS173,514113.8 Mi (183.2 Km) 122.1 Mi (196.5 Km)
N to Little Rock, AR193,524154.9 Mi (249.3 Km) 176.4 Mi (283.8 Km)
SW to Houston, TX2,099,451270.3 Mi (435 Km) 337.6 Mi (543.3 Km)