Distance from Manhattan, NY to Nearby Cities

The distance from Manhattan to the nearest city Cliffside Park is 9.9 miles or 15.9 kilometers away. The nearest town Byram is 26.8 miles or 43.1 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Manhattan; Yonkers being the closest is 14.1 miles or 22.7 kilometers away.

Manhattan is also near the New Jersey state border; Newark in New Jersey is 18.1 miles or 29.1 kilometers away.

Manhattan Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Manhattan Distances
Nearby Location(s): 20
Nearest Location: 2.6 Mi (4.2 Km)

Manhattan to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Manhattan and nearby cities in the United States.

From Manhattan, NY Population Distance
NW to Cliffside Park, NJ23,5942.6 Mi (4.2 Km) 9.9 Mi (15.9 Km)
W to West New York, NJ49,7082.9 Mi (4.6 Km) 8.6 Mi (13.9 Km)
WNW to North Bergen, NJ63,4842.9 Mi (4.7 Km) 11.7 Mi (18.9 Km)
S to Long Island City, NY25,5953.4 Mi (5.5 Km) 5.4 Mi (8.7 Km)
N to Fort Lee, NJ35,3454.2 Mi (6.8 Km) 7.3 Mi (11.8 Km)

Manhattan to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Manhattan and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Manhattan, NY Population Distance
NE to Byram, CT4,14621.8 Mi (35 Km) 26.8 Mi (43.1 Km)
NNE to Jefferson Valley-Yorktown, NY14,14237.1 Mi (59.7 Km) 42.8 Mi (68.9 Km)
SW to Whittingham, NJ2,47640.7 Mi (65.5 Km) 51.3 Mi (82.5 Km)
NNW to South Blooming Grove, NY3,23441.5 Mi (66.7 Km) 54 Mi (86.9 Km)
N to Beaverdam Lake-Salisbury Mills, NY2,24245.5 Mi (73.2 Km) 59.8 Mi (96.2 Km)

Manhattan to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Manhattan to major cities in New York.

From Manhattan, NY Population Distance
NNE to Yonkers, NY195,97610.2 Mi (16.5 Km) 14.1 Mi (22.7 Km)
NW to Syracuse, NY145,170192.4 Mi (309.6 Km) 254.1 Mi (409 Km)
NW to Rochester, NY210,565249 Mi (400.8 Km) 341.1 Mi (549 Km)
WNW to Amherst, NY122,366290.8 Mi (468 Km) 397 Mi (638.9 Km)
WNW to Buffalo, NY261,310291.7 Mi (469.4 Km) 380.3 Mi (612.1 Km)
Manhattan to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Manhattan to major cities in Pennsylvania, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey.

From Manhattan, NY Population Distance
WSW to Newark, NJ277,14011.8 Mi (18.9 Km) 18.1 Mi (29.1 Km)
NE to Bridgeport, CT144,22948.4 Mi (77.9 Km) 56.3 Mi (90.6 Km)
SW to Philadelphia, PA1,526,00685.9 Mi (138.3 Km) 102.2 Mi (164.5 Km)
NE to Boston, MA617,594185.1 Mi (297.9 Km) 210.4 Mi (338.6 Km)
N to Burlington, VT42,417257.5 Mi (414.5 Km) 292.7 Mi (471.1 Km)