Distance from León to Nearby Cities

The distance from León to the nearest city Chichigalpa is 32.9 kilometers or 20.4 miles away. The nearest town Quezalguaque is 18.2 kilometers or 11.3 miles away.

León is also 164 kilometers or 101.9 miles from Choluteca in Honduras.

León Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
León Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 9.2 Km (5.7 Mi)

León to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between León and nearby cities in Nicaragua.

From León Population Distance
NW to Chichigalpa33,13722.9 Km (14.2 Mi) 32.9 Km (20.4 Mi)
ESE to La Paz Centro23,48123.4 Km (14.6 Mi) 35.6 Km (22.1 Mi)
W to Corinto19,18333.9 Km (21.1 Mi) 60.5 Km (37.6 Mi)
ESE to Nagarote26,27038.3 Km (23.8 Mi) 50.5 Km (31.4 Mi)
NNW to Chinandega126,38758 Km (36.1 Mi) 78.8 Km (49 Mi)

León to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between León and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Nicaragua.

From León Population Distance
NNW to Quezalguaque1,9749.1 Km (5.7 Mi) 18.2 Km (11.3 Mi)
N to Telica8,7769.9 Km (6.1 Mi) 11.3 Km (7 Mi)
NW to Posoltega6,40317.1 Km (10.7 Mi) 26.7 Km (16.6 Mi)
WNW to El Realejo6,20834.3 Km (21.3 Mi) 51.6 Km (32.1 Mi)
NE to Larreynaga7,70342.5 Km (26.4 Mi) 51.8 Km (32.2 Mi)

León to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from León to Honduras.

From León Population Distance
NNW to Choluteca Honduras75,872103.7 Km (64.4 Mi) 164 Km (101.9 Mi)