Distance from Krong Preah Sihanouk to Nearby Cities

The distance from Krong Preah Sihanouk to the nearest city Kampot is 114.3 kilometers or 71 miles away. The nearest town Krong Kaeb is 117.3 kilometers or 72.9 miles away. 4 major cities are near Krong Preah Sihanouk; Krong Kampong Cham being the closest is 338.5 kilometers or 210.3 miles away.

Krong Preah Sihanouk is also 145.2 kilometers or 90.2 miles from Phương Thành in Vietnam.

Krong Preah Sihanouk Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Krong Preah Sihanouk Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 74.4 Km (46.2 Mi)

Krong Preah Sihanouk to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Krong Preah Sihanouk and nearby cities in Cambodia.

From Krong Preah Sihanouk Population Distance
E to Kampot22,69174.3 Km (46.2 Mi) 114.3 Km (71 Mi)
N to Koh Kong33,134107.3 Km (66.7 Mi) 219.1 Km (136.2 Mi)
NNW to Smach Mean Chey29,329121.5 Km (75.5 Mi) 234.8 Km (145.9 Mi)
NE to Kampong Speu33,231142.5 Km (88.6 Mi) 177.8 Km (110.5 Mi)
ENE to Takéo843,931143.5 Km (89.1 Mi) 192.1 Km (119.4 Mi)
ENE to Krong Ta Khmau52,066180.8 Km (112.3 Mi) 238.6 Km (148.2 Mi)
NE to Phnom Penh1,573,544181.1 Km (112.5 Mi) 173.6 Km (107.9 Mi)
N to Krong Pursat52,476208.5 Km (129.6 Mi) 350 Km (217.5 Mi)
ENE to Prey Vêng33,079219 Km (136.1 Mi) 315.5 Km (196.1 Mi)
NE to Krong Kampong Chhnang75,244221.2 Km (137.4 Mi) 291.1 Km (180.9 Mi)

Krong Preah Sihanouk to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Krong Preah Sihanouk and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Cambodia.

From Krong Preah Sihanouk Population Distance
E to Krong Kaeb11,65887.5 Km (54.4 Mi) 117.3 Km (72.9 Mi)

Krong Preah Sihanouk to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Krong Preah Sihanouk to major cities in Preah Sihanouk.

From Krong Preah Sihanouk Population Distance
NE to Krong Kampong Cham61,750260.7 Km (162 Mi) 338.5 Km (210.3 Mi)
N to Krong Battambang150,444277.9 Km (172.7 Mi) 460.8 Km (286.3 Mi)
N to Krong Siem Reap139,458306.7 Km (190.6 Mi) 520.4 Km (323.3 Mi)
NNW to Paôy Pêt79,000352.9 Km (219.3 Mi) 579.2 Km (359.9 Mi)
Krong Preah Sihanouk to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Krong Preah Sihanouk to Vietnam.

From Krong Preah Sihanouk Population Distance
ESE to Phương Thành Vietnam40,000108.3 Km (67.3 Mi) 145.2 Km (90.2 Mi)