Distance from Huron, SD to Nearby Cities

The distance from Huron to the nearest city Mitchell is 52.4 miles or 84.3 kilometers away. The nearest town Woonsocket is 24.5 miles or 39.5 kilometers away. The nearest major city Rapid City is 296.3 miles or 476.9 kilometers away.

Huron is also near the North Dakota state border; Fargo in North Dakota is 234.9 miles or 378.1 kilometers away.

Huron Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Huron Distances
Nearby Location(s): 22
Nearest Location: 21.6 Mi (34.8 Km)

Huron to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Huron and nearby cities in the United States.

From Huron, SD Population Distance
SSE to Mitchell, SD15,25446.1 Mi (74.2 Km) 52.4 Mi (84.3 Km)
NE to Watertown, SD21,48265.5 Mi (105.5 Km) 91.1 Mi (146.6 Km)
E to Brookings, SD22,05670.1 Mi (112.8 Km) 74.4 Mi (119.7 Km)
N to Aberdeen, SD26,09177.3 Mi (124.4 Km) 91.1 Mi (146.6 Km)
SE to Sioux Falls, SD153,88893 Mi (149.6 Km) 125.3 Mi (201.6 Km)
SE to Sioux City, IA82,684157.7 Mi (253.8 Km) 207 Mi (333.1 Km)
ENE to Willmar, MN19,610164 Mi (263.9 Km) 199.5 Mi (321 Km)
SSE to Norfolk, NE24,210166 Mi (267.2 Km) 196.3 Mi (315.9 Km)
N to Jamestown, ND15,427177.7 Mi (285.9 Km) 192 Mi (309.1 Km)
NNE to West Fargo, ND25,830185 Mi (297.7 Km) 235.4 Mi (378.8 Km)

Huron to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Huron and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Huron, SD Population Distance
S to Woonsocket, SD65521.6 Mi (34.8 Km) 24.5 Mi (39.5 Km)
SW to Wessington Springs, SD95626.4 Mi (42.4 Km) 40.1 Mi (64.6 Km)
E to De Smet, SD1,08932.8 Mi (52.8 Km) 33.7 Mi (54.2 Km)
NNW to Redfield, SD2,33338.5 Mi (61.9 Km) 48.7 Mi (78.3 Km)
WNW to Miller, SD1,48939.7 Mi (63.9 Km) 44.4 Mi (71.5 Km)

Huron to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Huron to major cities in South Dakota.

From Huron, SD Population Distance
W to Rapid City, SD67,956249.2 Mi (401.1 Km) 296.3 Mi (476.9 Km)
Huron to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Huron to major cities in Wyoming, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Nebraska.

From Huron, SD Population Distance
NNE to Fargo, ND105,549186.9 Mi (300.8 Km) 234.9 Mi (378.1 Km)
SSE to Omaha, NE408,958242.6 Mi (390.4 Km) 305.3 Mi (491.3 Km)
E to Minneapolis, MN382,578246.9 Mi (397.3 Km) 282.7 Mi (455 Km)
SE to Des Moines, IA203,433301 Mi (484.5 Km) 404.1 Mi (650.3 Km)
SW to Cheyenne, WY59,466402.3 Mi (647.5 Km) 529.4 Mi (851.9 Km)
W to Billings, MT104,170511.2 Mi (822.7 Km) 610.1 Mi (981.9 Km)