Distance from Greenville to Nearby Cities

The distance from Greenville to the nearest city Buchanan is 127 miles or 204.3 kilometers away. The nearest town Barclayville is 207 miles or 333.2 kilometers away.

Greenville is also 507.3 miles or 816.4 kilometers from Tabou in Ivory Coast.

Greenville Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Greenville Distances
Nearby Location(s): 15
Nearest Location: 60.1 Mi (96.7 Km)

Greenville to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Greenville and nearby cities in Liberia.

From Greenville Population Distance
NW to Buchanan25,73191.1 Mi (146.6 Km) 127 Mi (204.3 Km)
NE to Zwedru25,67895.3 Mi (153.4 Km) 113.4 Mi (182.5 Km)
ESE to Harper32,661102.1 Mi (164.4 Km) 224.4 Mi (361.2 Km)
NW to Kakata33,945137.9 Mi (222 Km) 190.7 Mi (306.8 Km)
NNW to Gbarnga45,835140.5 Mi (226.2 Km) 212.3 Mi (341.7 Km)
NW to Bensonville33,188147 Mi (236.5 Km) 197.9 Mi (318.5 Km)
NW to Monrovia939,524147.7 Mi (237.7 Km) 213.2 Mi (343.1 Km)
N to Yekepa24,695180.5 Mi (290.5 Km) 274.9 Mi (442.4 Km)

Greenville to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Greenville and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Liberia.

From Greenville Population Distance
ESE to Barclayville2,73360.1 Mi (96.7 Km) 207 Mi (333.2 Km)
E to Fish Town3,32880.8 Mi (130.1 Km) 144.8 Mi (233 Km)
NNE to Buutuo?133.9 Mi (215.6 Km) 247.8 Mi (398.7 Km)
N to Sanniquellie11,415163.5 Mi (263.1 Km) 253.5 Mi (408 Km)
NW to Bopolu2,908173.4 Mi (279.1 Km) 271.1 Mi (436.4 Km)
NW to Tubmanburg3,155177.6 Mi (285.8 Km) 252.7 Mi (406.7 Km)

Greenville to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Greenville to Ivory Coast.

From Greenville Population Distance
ESE to Tabou Ivory Coast17,134122.7 Mi (197.4 Km) 507.3 Mi (816.4 Km)