Distance from Fremont, CA to Nearby Cities

The distance from Fremont to the nearest city Newark is 4.3 miles or 6.9 kilometers away. The nearest town Fairview is 15.7 miles or 25.2 kilometers away. 5 major cities are near Fremont; San Jose being the closest is 17.5 miles or 28.1 kilometers away.

Fremont is also near the Nevada state border; Las Vegas in Nevada is 542.8 miles or 873.6 kilometers away.

Fremont Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Fremont Distances
Nearby Location(s): 18
Nearest Location: 3.1 Mi (5 Km)

Fremont to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Fremont and nearby cities in the United States.

From Fremont, CA Population Distance
WSW to Newark, CA42,5733.1 Mi (5 Km) 4.3 Mi (6.9 Km)
NW to Union City, CA69,5164.3 Mi (7 Km) 5.7 Mi (9.1 Km)
SSE to Milpitas, CA66,7909.4 Mi (15.1 Km) 11.2 Mi (18.1 Km)
NNW to Hayward, CA144,1869.7 Mi (15.7 Km) 12.7 Mi (20.5 Km)
SW to East Palo Alto, CA28,15510 Mi (16.1 Km) 14 Mi (22.5 Km)

Fremont to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Fremont and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Fremont, CA Population Distance
NNW to Fairview, CA10,0039.5 Mi (15.3 Km) 15.7 Mi (25.2 Km)
NW to Cherryland, CA14,72811 Mi (17.7 Km) 14.3 Mi (23.1 Km)
WSW to North Fair Oaks, CA14,68712.5 Mi (20.1 Km) 17 Mi (27.4 Km)
WSW to Atherton, CA6,91412.9 Mi (20.8 Km) 17.1 Mi (27.6 Km)
SW to Stanford, CA13,80913 Mi (20.9 Km) 20.2 Mi (32.5 Km)

Fremont to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Fremont to major cities in California.

From Fremont, CA Population Distance
SSE to San Jose, CA945,94215.6 Mi (25 Km) 17.5 Mi (28.1 Km)
WNW to San Francisco, CA805,23528.3 Mi (45.5 Km) 38 Mi (61.1 Km)
NNE to Sacramento, CA466,48876.3 Mi (122.8 Km) 105 Mi (168.9 Km)
ESE to Fresno, CA494,665134 Mi (215.7 Km) 170.2 Mi (273.9 Km)
SE to San Diego, CA1,307,402431.1 Mi (693.8 Km) 475.8 Mi (765.8 Km)
Fremont to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Fremont to major cities in Nevada, Oregon and Arizona.

From Fremont, CA Population Distance
ESE to Las Vegas, NV583,756390.4 Mi (628.3 Km) 542.8 Mi (873.6 Km)
N to Portland, OR583,776552.3 Mi (888.8 Km) 652.5 Mi (1050.1 Km)
ESE to Phoenix, AZ1,445,632625.2 Mi (1006.2 Km) 727.2 Mi (1170.3 Km)