Distance from Darwin NT to Nearby Cities

The distance from Darwin NT to the nearest city Palmerston NT 0830 is 20.6 kilometers or 12.8 miles away. The nearest town Larrakeyah NT 0820 is 1.5 kilometers or 1 miles away. The nearest major city Alice Springs NT 0870 is 1497.1 kilometers or 930.3 miles away.

Darwin NT Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Darwin NT Distances
Nearby Location(s): 7
Nearest Location: 1.3 Km (0.8 Mi)

Darwin NT to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Darwin NT and nearby cities in Australia.

From Darwin NT Population Distance
E to Palmerston NT 083025,00015.7 Km (9.7 Mi) 20.6 Km (12.8 Mi)

Darwin NT to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Darwin NT and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Australia.

From Darwin NT Population Distance
NW to Larrakeyah NT 08203,0371.3 Km (0.8 Mi) 1.5 Km (1 Mi)
N to Stuart Park NT3,4932 Km (1.2 Mi) 2.5 Km (1.6 Mi)
N to Parap NT 08202,0033.5 Km (2.2 Mi) 4.1 Km (2.5 Mi)
NNE to Ludmilla NT1,7024.2 Km (2.6 Mi) 5.8 Km (3.6 Mi)
N to Fannie Bay NT 08202,4344.4 Km (2.7 Mi) 5.3 Km (3.3 Mi)

Darwin NT to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Darwin NT to major cities in Northern Territory.

From Darwin NT Population Distance
SSE to Alice Springs NT 087025,1861290.4 Km (801.8 Mi) 1497.1 Km (930.3 Mi)