Distance from Castelo Branco to Nearby Cities

The distance from Castelo Branco to the nearest city 6200 Covilha is 58.6 kilometers or 36.4 miles away. The nearest town Alcains is 15.6 kilometers or 9.7 miles away.

Castelo Branco is also 141.7 kilometers or 88 miles from Cáceres‎ in Spain.

Castelo Branco Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Castelo Branco Distances
Nearby Location(s): 11
Nearest Location: 11.4 Km (7.1 Mi)

Castelo Branco to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Castelo Branco and nearby cities in Portugal.

From Castelo Branco Population Distance
N to 6200 Covilha17,61051.2 Km (31.8 Mi) 58.6 Km (36.4 Mi)
S to 7300 Portalegre15,58158.5 Km (36.3 Mi) 95.3 Km (59.2 Mi)
WSW to Tomar19,16881.3 Km (50.5 Mi) 123.9 Km (77 Mi)
NNE to 6300 Guarda32,11182.3 Km (51.1 Mi) 98.2 Km (61 Mi)
NNE to Sequeira28,50284.7 Km (52.6 Mi) 100.1 Km (62.2 Mi)

Castelo Branco to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Castelo Branco and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in Portugal.

From Castelo Branco Population Distance
NNE to Alcains5,03011.5 Km (7.1 Mi) 15.6 Km (9.7 Mi)
ENE to Idanha a Nova?24.7 Km (15.3 Mi) 35.5 Km (22 Mi)
S to 7320-011 Póvoas e Meadas?34.3 Km (21.3 Mi) 63.2 Km (39.3 Mi)
N to 6230 Aldeia de Joanes1,33335.3 Km (21.9 Mi) 43.9 Km (27.3 Mi)
N to 6230 Fundão9,72535.4 Km (22 Mi) 42.4 Km (26.3 Mi)

Castelo Branco to Major Cities in Bordering Countries

The list below shows the distance from Castelo Branco to Spain.

From Castelo Branco Population Distance
ESE to Cáceres‎ Spain93,131103.6 Km (64.4 Mi) 141.7 Km (88 Mi)