Distance Between Portugal Cities

To calculate the distance between cities in Portugal, click on a city from the list below. Portugal (PT) is located in the continent of Europe and shares borders with Spain. For distance calculations to cities in Spain, see cities near Portugal.

Cities in Portugal

Note: that the cities listed below are deemed major based on population. Due to there being many major cities in Portugal, we have grouped the list by province and sorted by most populated.

City Province Population
Lisbon (Country Capital)Lisbon517,802
PortoPorto District249,633
Setúbal MunicipalitySetubal117,110
CoimbraCoimbra District106,582
EvoraÉvora District55,620
AveiroAveiro District54,162
2380-575 MonsantoSantarém50,000
LeiriaLeiria District45,112
4990 Ponte de LimaViana do Castelo44,667
FaroFaro District41,355
7800 BejaBeja34,760
5300-252 BragançaBragança34,375
Castelo BrancoCastelo Branco District33,479
6300 GuardaGuarda32,111
ViseuViseu District26,364
Ponta DelgadaAzores20,056
Vila RealVila Real17,001
7300 PortalegrePortalegre District15,581

Cities Near Portugal

The list below shows the distance between the above cities in Portugal and populated cities outside of Portugal which are closest.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Portugal to Spain  
Monção to Tui14 Km (8.7 Mi) 20.1 Km (12.5 Mi)
4990 Ponte de Lima to Tui32 Km (19.9 Mi) 41.8 Km (26 Mi)
4990 Ponte de Lima to Vigo54.1 Km (33.6 Mi) 74.9 Km (46.5 Mi)
Distance Between Portugal and Neighboring Countries

The distance between cities in Portugal and cities in neighboring countries; Spain cities are nearest due to being 14 kilometers away.

To Country Distance From Portugal
Spain 14 Km (8.7 Mi)
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