Distance from Brandon, SD to Nearby Cities

The distance from Brandon to the nearest city Sioux Falls is 13.5 miles or 21.7 kilometers away. The nearest town Garretson is 11.9 miles or 19.1 kilometers away. 3 major cities are near Brandon; Watertown being the closest is 108 miles or 173.8 kilometers away.

Brandon is also near the Nebraska state border; Omaha in Nebraska is 197.3 miles or 317.5 kilometers away.

Brandon Summary:
  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  • Population = Approximate figures
Brandon Distances
Nearby Location(s): 16
Nearest Location: 8.7 Mi (14 Km)

Brandon to Nearby Cities

The list below shows the distance between Brandon and nearby cities in the United States.

From Brandon, SD Population Distance
WSW to Sioux Falls, SD153,8888.7 Mi (14 Km) 13.5 Mi (21.7 Km)
NNW to Brookings, SD22,05650.8 Mi (81.7 Km) 61.7 Mi (99.3 Km)

Brandon to Nearby Towns

The list below shows the distance between Brandon and nearby towns, villages or areas which have a smaller population in the United States.

From Brandon, SD Population Distance
NNE to Garretson, SD1,1669.2 Mi (14.7 Km) 11.9 Mi (19.1 Km)
WNW to Crooks, SD1,26912.9 Mi (20.7 Km) 16.6 Mi (26.7 Km)
SSW to Harrisburg, SD4,08912.9 Mi (20.8 Km) 17.6 Mi (28.4 Km)
NW to Baltic, SD1,08914.3 Mi (23 Km) 20.3 Mi (32.7 Km)
SW to Tea, SD3,80616.7 Mi (26.9 Km) 23.6 Mi (37.9 Km)

Brandon to Major Cities

The list below shows the distance from Brandon to major cities in South Dakota.

From Brandon, SD Population Distance
NNW to Watertown, SD21,48294.1 Mi (151.4 Km) 108 Mi (173.8 Km)
NW to Aberdeen, SD26,091160 Mi (257.5 Km) 207.9 Mi (334.6 Km)
W to Rapid City, SD67,956333.6 Mi (536.8 Km) 351.5 Mi (565.7 Km)
Brandon to Major Cities in Neighboring States

The list below shows the distance from Brandon to major cities in Wyoming, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Nebraska.

From Brandon, SD Population Distance
S to Omaha, NE408,958164.5 Mi (264.8 Km) 197.3 Mi (317.5 Km)
ENE to Minneapolis, MN382,578189.5 Mi (304.9 Km) 225.7 Mi (363.2 Km)
SE to Des Moines, IA203,433204.2 Mi (328.7 Km) 296.1 Mi (476.5 Km)
N to Fargo, ND105,549227.1 Mi (365.5 Km) 247.2 Mi (397.9 Km)
WSW to Cheyenne, WY59,466453.8 Mi (730.3 Km) 584.6 Mi (940.8 Km)
WNW to Billings, MT104,170604.7 Mi (973.1 Km) 665.3 Mi (1070.8 Km)