Distance Between Taiwan Cities

To calculate the distance between cities in Taiwan, click on a city from the list below. Taiwan (TW) is located in the continent of Asia and doesn't share borders with any country. However, the countries closest to Taiwan are Hong Kong, Macao and Philippines. For distance calculations to cities in these countries, see cities near Taiwan.

Cities in Taiwan

Note: that the cities listed below are deemed major based on population. While there may be more major cities, these are the most populated cities in Taiwan.

City Population
Taipei City (Country Capital)7,871,900
Kaohsiung City1,519,711
Taichung City1,040,725
Tainan City771,235
Banqiao District543,342
Hsinchu City404,109
Taoyuan City402,014
Keelung City397,515
Hualien County350,468
Taitung City109,584
Nantou City105,682
Douliu City104,723
Yilan City94,188
Puli Township86,406
Magong City56,435
Jincheng Township37,507
Hengchun Township31,288
Lugu Township19,599

Cities Near Taiwan

The list below shows the distance between the above cities in Taiwan and populated cities outside of Taiwan which are closest.

  • Mi = Miles
  • Km = Kilometers
  • = Flight distance
  • = Driving distance
  Taiwan to Hong Kong  
Jincheng Township to Sai Kung470.6 Km (292.4 Mi)
  Taiwan to Philippines  
Hengchun Township to Aparri413.6 Km (257 Mi)
Hengchun Township to Laoag City420.8 Km (261.5 Mi)
Distance Between Taiwan and Other Countries

The distance between cities in Taiwan and cities in other countries; Philippines cities are nearest due to being 413.6 kilometers away.

To Country Distance From Taiwan
Philippines 413.6 Km (257 Mi)
Hong Kong 470.6 Km (292.4 Mi)
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